
melanocyte n.【醫學】黑素細胞。


This paper discusses on some important progresses obtained in the field of life science such as the newly developed pharmaceutics making people rejuvenated , the first case that the mammals give birth to its own clonal baby , the reproductive biological techniques with the characteristics of ooplasm substitution , the research on the measurement of human genome sequence , the activation of melanocyte changing the white hairs into the black ones , and the research on rice cytology , etc 論述了使人變得年輕的制劑、世界第一例哺乳動物生下自己的克隆體、以卵漿置換為特征的生殖生物學技術、人類基因組測序研究、激活黑素細胞使白發變黑發以及水稻細胞學研究取得的重大進展,并闡述了其生物學意義和應用價值。

To date , in human beings , the fibroblast growth factor ( fgf ) superfamily consists of 22 members . fgfs can induce proliferation of various types of cells , including fibroblast , endothelial cells , chondrocytes , smooth muscle cells , melanocytes as well as other cells . they can also promote adipocyte differentiation , induce macrophage and fibroblast il - 6 production , stimulate astrocyte migration , and prolong neuronal survival 成纖維細胞生長因子不但能夠促進包括成纖維細胞、內皮細胞、軟骨細胞、平滑肌細胞、黑色素細胞等多種細胞的增殖,而且還能夠促進脂肪細胞的分化,引發巨噬細胞和成纖維細胞產生白細胞介素6 ( il - 6 ) ,刺激星形細胞的遷移,延長神經元的壽命。

Cleaver of the university of california at san francisco , for instance , has shown that people with the disease xeroderma pigmentosum , in which melanocytes are destroyed by exposure to the sun , suffer from significantly higher than normal rates of squamous and basal cell carcinomas , which are usually easily treated 這兩種癌通常很容易治療,更能致命的是惡性黑瘤,但卻較少見(在皮膚癌患者中只占4 % ) ,而且只有膚色淺的人才容易得。

Methods we used the foreskin tissue as a cell sourse , harvested and cultivated the melanocytes and keratinocytes respectively , and then constructed the mixed cultivating model of them 方法以包皮組織作為細胞來源,分別培養角質形成細胞、黑素細胞;體外構建黑素細胞與角質形成細胞直接接觸的混合培養模型。

For instance , vitiligo ? white patches on the skin caused by the destruction of normal pigment - producing melanocytes ? has been observed in melanoma patients who have received the earliest antimelanoma vaccines 例如,最早接受抗黑色素瘤疫苗的黑色素瘤患者,就曾因為正常的黑色素細胞遭破壞,而引起白斑病。

Lozumi k , hoganson ge , pennella r , et al . role of tyrosinase as the determinant of pigmentation in cultured human melanocytes [ j ] . j invest dermatol 1993 , 100 ( 6 ) : 806 鄧軍,葉慶俞,刁慶春.芳香維甲酸乙脂對紫外線誘導的人黑素細胞黑素合成的影響[ j ] .中華皮膚科雜志, 1997 , 30 ( 6 ) : 389

- melanocyte - stimulating homone , ( - msh ) , an endogenous antipyretic peptide , distributes extensively in the brain tissue 前言-黑素細胞刺激素( - melanocyte - stimulatinghomone , - msh )是一種內源性解熱、限熱物質,廣泛存在于中樞神經系統的多個區域內。

Bha cell differential agent is prepared with japanese macromolecular - energy plant extracting technology , which is edible and quite good at differentiating melanocytes Bha細胞分化劑,由日本高分子能量植物提取技術方法提取,可食用的產品,有極強的分化黑色素細胞能力

Conclusion we have successfully constructed the mixed cultivating model of melanocytes and keratinocytes and provide requirements for further study 結論成功構建了黑素細胞與角質形成細胞直接接觸的混合培養模型,為進一步研究色素問題奠定了基礎。

Intracellular lipids turn to peroxide lipids , causing dryness of skin stimulation of melanocytes and damages epithelial cells and dna , giving rise to blotches 基底細胞膜及dna的損害,使細胞老化不活性化,也會進一步引起皮膚癌。

“ the excimer laser penetrates deeply enough to stimulate surviving melanocytes to migrate up hair follicles to the vitiligo patches on the skin , “ dr . spencer says 準分子激光穿透更深,刺激毛囊中的黑素細胞增加和轉移到皮損部位。

Objective to construct the mixed cultivating model of keratinocytes and melanocytes 摘要目的體外構建黑素細胞與角質形成細胞直接接觸的混合培養模型。

Effect of tribulus terrestris extract on melanocyte - stimulating hormone expression in mouse hair follicles 刺蒺藜對小鼠毛囊黑素細胞刺激素表達的影響

Msh melanocyte stimulating hormone 促黑素細胞激素

Melanocyte stimulating hormone releasing factor , mrf 促黑激素釋放因子

Melanocyte stimulating hormone inhibiting factor , mif 促黑激素釋放抑制因子