
melanin n.【醫學】黑(色)素。


Vitamin : promote collagen formation , restrain melanin formation , resist damage to skin by body cellular oxidation , enhance skin elasticity , and leave skin delicate and fair 維生素:促進膠原蛋白合成,抑制黑色素形成,抵抗人體細胞氧化所帶來的破壞性,增加皮膚的彈性和美白,讓肌膚更加細膩

The levels of melanin generally remain the same throughout life , but a few things can change them permanently . the first is a handful of ocular diseases like pigmentary glaucoma 而基質中的黑色素含量在通常情況下是終生保持不變的,除非某些異常情況發生導致它發生永久性的改變。

Activate aged skin cells containing melanin , and completely clear away the aged cells , grape leaf can help skin maintain healthy condition , and reveal young vitality 激活皮膚含有黑色素的老細胞,通過自身的代謝功能,將老化細胞徹底清除,葡萄葉幫助肌膚維持健康,煥發青春活力。

Nourish and hydrate skin : effectively improve facial skin micro - circulation , deeply nourish skin , reduce melanin conetent , leave skin balanced and fair , bright and young 營養保濕:有效改善面部肌膚微循環,深層營養皮膚,減低皮膚黑色素濃度,令肌膚膚色白皙均勻,煥發迷人風采。

It can remove aging cuticle and dirt effectually , control melanin forming , prevent oxidation , moisten skin and make skin white and smooth 清爽質地,能有效清除皮膚表面死皮細胞及不潔雜質,抑制皮膚有害色素沉積,防止氧化的產生,同時保持肌膚滋潤,令肌膚美白舒爽,晶瑩剔透。

Because the skin excretes melanin , which will come out absorb the uv rays from sun and darken the skin , but the hair doesn ' t , it can only decompound melanin 答案一,人體會在皮膚表面增加黑色素的沉積,阻擋陽光中的紫外線深入皮膚內層,但是頭發沒這本事,只會分解黑色素。

A suntan , she explained , was a defensive skin reaction to produce more of the pigment melanin to protect itself from too much harmful ultraviolet ( uv ) radiation 她解釋說曬黑是皮膚的一種防御反應,皮膚為了保護自己免受過多的有害的紫外線的照射產生更多的黑色素。

Control freckle : containing papaya aha and protease , which control the growth of the new born melanin , prevent freckle pigmentation and fade dark skin patches 控斑:內含的木瓜果酸,蛋白酶抑制皮膚中的新的黑色素的生成,阻斷皮膚中的”小黑子”沉積,色斑漸漸變淺

Agentle purifying foam that effectively lifts away impurities and surface cells to help reduce melanin vuildup and leave skin clean and bright 產品介紹:質感溫和的透白美肌潔面泡沫,有效清除污垢及老化表皮細胞,防止黑色素積聚,令肌膚全面回復潔凈明亮

Furthermore , many cells , especially those in hair and skin , are populated with melanins ? pigment molecules that come in colors ranging from red to black 另外,不少細胞(尤其是頭發與皮膚細胞)都含有黑色素,那是一種色素分子,顏色從紅到黑都有。

Function : it can protect the skin against the ultraviolet ray of the sun , as well as retrain the formation of melanin in the skin 功能:有助于調節表皮水分,減少日光對皮膚的損傷,抑制黑色素的生成。長期使用能使你的的皮膚滋潤柔滑,保持嬌嫩。

Fresh and exquisite beautifying skin efficiency can help quickly activate melanin and has supernatural treatment on dull , flawed , rough and aged skin 鮮活極致的美膚效能快速活化黑色素對晦暗,暇疵,粗糙,防止皮膚老化等有著神奇的療效。

Inchoate eye melanin cancer , through local excision , amalgamative radiation is treated , its 5 years survival rate also can achieve 80 % above 早期的眼睛黑色素癌,經過局部的切除,合并放射線治療,其五年生存率也可達到百分之八十以上。

Results : the production of c . neoformans melanin was affected by various factors , in which nitrogen source and glucose affected it obviously 結果:新生隱球菌黑色素的產生受多種因素的影響,其中以氮源、葡萄糖和溫度的影響最為明顯。

The herbaceous quintessence of natural plant can suppress the forming of the melanin effectively , making the skin beautiful and engaging 天然植物草本精華,能夠有效地抑制黑色素的形成,使肌膚白皙動人,凈白無瑕看得見。

It has the functions of prevention to dermatitis and melanin deposition , and it has low toxicity to pet , person and environment 使用本品對寵物犬貓體表殺蟲滅菌,是最徹底、最有效的方法,且對人寵無毒無害,不污染環境。

The mineral elements of the bamboo salt have a high whitening effect , can dilute and decompose the melanin so as to quickly whiten the skin 竹鹽活性礦物成份具有極強美白功能,能淡化和分解黑色素,從而令肌膚迅速變白。

The herbaceous quintessence of natural plant can suppress forming of the melanin effectively . making the skin beautiful and engaging 天然植物草本精華,能夠有效地抑制黑色素的形成,使肌膚白皙動人,去痘無痕更白皙。

The pure white system contains amway ' s patented whitening complex , which can lighten spots and control melanin formation 蘊含專利美白復合成分,有效淡化及預防黑色素產生,全天候發揮預防、改善、保護的美白功效。