
melancholy n.1.憂郁;憂郁癥。2.愁思,沉思。adj.1.憂郁的...


He became not only melancholy when alone, but dejected and absent in company . 他不但獨處的時候悶悶不樂,就是和旁人在一道時也無精打采,心不在焉。

For the first time in my life a feeling of overpowering stinging melancholy seized me . 有生以來第一次,一種強烈的、痛心的憂郁之感抓住了我的心。

Everything established in the most melancholy order of disastrous love . 整個故事都肯定建立在由極端不幸的愛情悲劇造成的最令人傷感的基調之上。

Argentina, the second largest nation, remained in melancholy stagnation and disarray . 第二大國阿根廷則仍處于可悲的停滯不前和一片混亂之中。

The tender widow's habitual melancholy seemed to deepen into a sadder gloom . 這位好心的寡婦一向郁郁寡歡,現在更變得愁容滿面,情緒消沉了。

Huck's face lost its tranquil content immediately, and took a melancholy cast . 哈克臉上立即失卻了它那自得其樂的精神,換了一副發愁的樣子。

But that three-day combination of events had left him exhausted and melancholy . 但這三天來這么多事情攪在一起把他搞得精疲力竭,意志消沉。

Time brought resignation, and a melancholy sweeter than common joy . 時間會使人們聽天由命的,而且帶來了一種比日常的歡樂還甜密的憂郁。

During this melancholy pause, the turnkey read his newspaper with a waggish look . 在這個憂郁的停歇期間,看守滑稽地閱讀著報紙。

Till i at last ceased to listen to him, i subsided into a state of melancholy . 直到最終不再聽他為止,我陷入了一種憂郁狀態。

After a short inspection of the melancholy ruins they retraced their steps . 他們看了一看那片凄慘的瓦礫堆,就動身往回走。

The flash of her eyes had been succeeded by a dreamy and melancholy softness . 她眼里的亮光已經變成一種夢幻的憂郁的溫柔。

This gallant speech was rewarded with a sweet, though a melancholy smile . 這一番恭維話博得了對方甜蜜然而苦澀的一笑。

We talked of the melancholy end of a gentleman who had destroyed himself . 我們談起一位已自殺的先生的使人抑郁的結局。

The first part of their journey was performed in too melancholy a disposition . 在旅途中,開始的氣氛是很令人傷感的。

That melancholy pleasure-ground was almost deserted when she entered . 她走進公園時,設備簡陋的游戲場幾乎空無一人。

Soon his passion sank down to grief, and grief gave way to melancholy . 他的痛苦不久便轉為憂傷,憂傷又轉成為悒郁。

I had many melancholy hours at bath after all the company was gone . 那群人全離開后,我在巴斯過了許多愁悶的時光。

It seemed to be a melancholy little house, and you felt sorry for it . 這所凄涼的小房子,別人看了都會替它傷心。