
melancholic adj.憂郁(癥)的;使人抑郁的;神經質的。n.憂郁病患...


As for michaelis , he was perfect ; exactly the same melancholic , attentive , aloof young fellow of the previous evening , millions of degrees remote from his hosts , but laconically playing up to them to the required amount , and never coming forth to them for a moment 至于蔑克里斯呢,他毫不露出破綻,完全和昨天晚上一樣,憂郁,專心,而又冷漠,和主人主婦象遠隔得幾百萬里路似的,只和他們禮尚往來著,卻不愿自獻殷勤。

Less dedicated to work was young assistant sek kei shi qi , who went on to become one of hong kong s top critics . his witty reminiscence of his days at the art department in the 1970s gives the melancholic story of cathay a humourous and romantic touch of franois truffaut 而石琪以輕松的過來人身份回想七十年代與吳宇森等人在國泰當美工和場記的窮風流日子,為原來有點哀傷的國泰故事,添了絲杜魯福式的幽默與浪漫。

Tammuz ? golems : brutes reborn in the womb of the earth and stricken with an excess of melancholic humour . their progenitor was a babylonian golem , and their bestowment is unholy stamina 塔穆斯? ?魔像:活尸的世系之一。他們在大地的子宮中重生,體質以黑膽汁為主。其先祖為巴比倫的魔偶。它們的贈禮是不潔耐力。

For those who love the hong kong films of the 1950s and 1960s , cathay for most fans , perhaps it s more appropriate to say : mp gi represents a story at once wonderful , elegant and melancholic 對于喜愛五六十年代香港電影的人來說,國泰對更多影迷來說,也許是電懋代表了一則奇妙優雅而又帶點哀傷的故事。

The reason for awarding is that “ who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures “ 授予諾貝爾文學獎的理由是“帕慕克反復探尋著自己故鄉城市憂郁的靈魂,最終發現了多種文化碰撞和交錯的新的象征。 ”

Tammuz : a promethean lineage . brutes reborn in the womb of the earth and stricken with an excess of melancholic humour . their progenitor was a babylonian golem 塔穆茲:活尸的世系之一。他們在大地的子宮中重生,體質以黑膽汁為主。其先祖為巴比倫的魔偶。

Though still uncomfortably funny as ever , he returns to his signature melancholic twang in a thorough dissection of the american social underbelly 女孩叫aviva ,前讀后讀都相同的名字,無論影片結構,故事內容,小人物,小地方,都隱藏人生總兜圈的哲理。

You know , it ' s not as melancholic , as deep as the other ones that i ' ve done , and once i realized that , i said , well let me hear the last one 當我意識到這一點時,我對自己說,好吧,讓我聽一聽這最后一首單曲吧。

The melancholic soundtrack and the sepia cinematography are a good mix that greatly enhances the desperate atmosphere 另外,昏黃的攝影配上大量白茫茫的雪景,也大大加強幽暗絕望的調子。

Don ' t be disturbed or melancholic over matters . your tolerance will lead to future stability and happiness 不要為什么事而心亂,不要為什么事而悲愁,只要你堅忍,前面就有安寧和歡樂。

Dave wong s latest mandarin album , featuring 13 new songs and continuing dave s sad and melancholic singing style 王杰最新大碟-不孤單,收錄新歌13首,延續王杰一貫的滄桑及憂郁風格

Some visual experiences were so hauntingly beautiful that they left me feeling melancholic and a sense of nostalgia 一些視覺上的經歷是如此美麗,讓人無法忘懷。

The most melancholic and light start of a song ever . paul mccartney is a genuis as well 我認為它是有著最為憂郁同時又輕快開頭的歌曲。保羅麥卡錫真是個天才。

The album will have 10 tracks . sun describes her sound as “ haunting , melancholic rock “ 這張專輯將收錄10首歌.孫玉聲用“難以忘懷,憂郁搖滾“來形容她的聲音。

They like extremes : they can be joyful and melancholic in a short period of time 他們總是很很極端化的,他們會在很短的時間內一時憂愁一時又是歡喜.我也是

The actress didn ' t think it is an easy job to play the part as melancholic and retiring 那位女演員認為要將那一抑郁而緘默的角色演好并非易事。