
melancholia n.【醫學】憂郁病。adj.-choliac ,n.患憂...


Briefly consoled , i however constantly fall back into the abyss of slight melancholia - simply because i am the one looking for the past dreams of others 于我,這是片刻的安慰,但在往后的日子里仍揮不掉一絲絲的惆悵,因我是尋眾人的夢的人。

What reminiscences of a human subject suffering from progressive melancholia did these objects evoke in bloom 關于身患進行性憂郁癥的一個人的主體,這些客體在布盧姆心里喚起了什么樣的回憶?

Nevertheless , wakened out of her melancholia and called to the dinner table , she changed her mind 可是,當她從憂郁的心境中清醒過來,被叫到飯桌上吃飯時,她改變了主意。

Clinical observation on treatment of melancholia by acupuncture following principle of relieving depression and regulating mentality 解郁調神法針刺治療郁證臨床觀察

Professor ma guiwen ' s drug administrationrules and clinical experience in treating gynecologial melancholia 馬桂文教授治療婦科郁證的用藥規律及臨床體會

Clinical observations on the treatment of melancholia by intelligence electroacupuncture plus amitriptyline 智能電針合并阿米替林治療抑郁癥的臨床觀察

A comparative study of paroxetine and amitriptyline in the treatment of senile melancholia 帕羅西汀與阿米替林治療老年抑郁癥對照研究

Study progress on melancholia 郁證研究進展

Clinical study on treatment of melancholia with combined acupuncture and medicine 針藥結合治療抑郁癥臨床研究

Observations on the curative effect of electroacupuncture on melancholia 電針治療抑郁癥的療效觀察

Followed by random bouts of melancholia 接著就是無常的反復憂郁

People suffering from melancholia generally like to be alone 患有憂郁癥的人一般喜歡獨處。

Treating melancholia and the recovery from cerebralvascular disease 治郁與腦血管病的康復

I ' m definitely not the man with prenatal melancholia 我決不是這種有產前憂郁癥的男人

Study progress of acupuncture for the treatment of melancholia 針刺治療郁證研究現狀

Her former tendency toward melancholia was dispelled . 她從前憂郁的傾向已經消失了。