
mel n.蜂蜜〔尤指藥用蜜〕。


Mel , what - ? l thought you were a fellow entertainer 米爾,嗯.我還以為我們都是娛樂界的人

That emma is so weird , and mel is mean 那個艾瑪很古怪,梅爾又十分刻薄

Mel rosen . l do a little radio show out of the quad cities 我是方城廣播電臺的米爾.羅生

Mel called , she said that you ' d be coming home early , 梅爾給我電話了,她說你會早點回家

But mel ' s suicides had some help 但mel調查的那幾宗自殺案顯然是有人幫忙了

Jeff : hi mel ! i brought you a bottle of plonk 杰夫:嗨,梅勒妮!我給你帶來了一瓶酒。

“ mel gibson was n ' t even on it last year “梅爾吉布森去年甚至不在榜上。

I ' m sorry , mel . i hope it ' s okay that i ' m here 對不起, mel 。我希望我可以待在這兒。

Check out all of the mel commands available 可能查到所有的可用到的mel命令。

Little mel , she couldn ' t bear the thought of that 小mel ,她受不了這種做法。

So you ' re not gonna adopt me , mel ? - dishes clattering 那你不收養我了, mel ?

Oh , come on , mel , we were your friends , too 別這樣, mel ,我們也是你的朋友呀

Mel : no . but i got a load of mommy and daddy 沒有但我看到了父母加在她身上的重擔

Mel : paige fuller , no longer one of the most powerful -佩琪?富勒不再是西海岸

I ' m just , uh , talkin ' to mel ' s fiance here 我只是,呃,跟mel的未婚夫聊天而已

When mel looks up and sees that damn cat , 當mel向上看的時候,看到了那該死的貓,

Actually , mel , i can ' t , i can ' t talk now 實際上,梅爾,我現在,我現在還不能說

Mel , she ' s a teenager . come on , baby Mel ,她只是個十幾歲的孩子。算了,寶貝。

How ' s that gonna look to aunt emma and uncle mel 艾瑪阿姨和梅爾舅舅會怎么看呢?