
mekong n.湄公河。


Five of its “ top 10 “ are in asia , such as the yangtse , mekong , and ganges , though europe ' s danube and north america ' s rio grande are also included 這十條河川里有五條在亞洲,包括長江、湄公河、恒何,不過歐洲的多瑙河和北美的格蘭德河也榜上有名。

A survey conducted along a new segment of the road between weixi and shangri - la just above the headwaters of the mekong river revealed epic levels of erosion 對剛好位于湄公河上游的維西與香格里拉之間的一段新修公路的調查揭示了嚴重的侵蝕問題。

It has begun to “ consult ” , after a fashion , the lower riparian states affected when it dams its rivers , such as the mekong and the salween 在其國內河流諸如湄公河和怒江筑壩截流時,中國勉強開始與下游受到影響的國家進行“磋商” 。

It is through continued participation in this global research consortium that mrc will be able to explore opportunity for valuable research in the mekong region 通過對這個全球項目的參與,湄公河委員會能在流域內找到更多機遇。

In 2003 the mekong river commission was appointed research coordinator for the mekong basin under the challenge programme for water and food 2003年湄公河委員被指定為一個關于水與食物所面臨的挑戰國際項目在湄公河流域的協調員。

Most of the sediment directly enters the headwaters of the mekong river or is deposited in riparian areas where it is entrained during later floods 大部分泥沙直接進入了湄公河上游或是沉降在河岸地區,被日后的洪水中帶走。

In september 2000 , disastrous floods afflicted the northeastern part of thailand , the mekong river delta in vietnam , southern laos and cambodia 2000年9月,水災降臨泰國東北部、越南湄公河三角洲、寮國南部及柬埔寨。

Part two summarizes the research on economy integration , the study on lancang - mekong river sub - region and tourism integration 第二部分研究綜述,對經濟一體化、瀾滄江-湄公河的研究和旅游一體化的相關理論進行了綜述。

In 1967 , us marines and south vietnamese troops launched operation “ deckhouse five ( v ) , “ an offensive in the mekong river delta 1967年,美國海軍陸戰隊和南越軍隊聯合在湄公河三角洲發動了一場代號為“甲板- 5 “的軍事行動

In september 2000 , disastrous floods afflicted the northeastern part of thailand , the mekong river delta in vietnam , southern laos and cambodia 2000年9月,水災降臨泰國東北部越南湄公河三角洲寮國南部及柬埔寨。

A laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted , thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the mekong river valley 富庶的湄公河谷地,一個老撾家庭正在他們用高桿撐起的茅草屋的陰影下休息。

Laotian family rests in the shade of their stilted , thatched roof hut in the fertile lowlands of the mekong river valley 富庶的湄公河谷地,一個老撾家庭正在他們用高桿撐起的茅草屋的陰影下休息。

The pluralistic model of regional integration in the greater mekong subregion and its inspirations for the development of west china 湄公河次區域合作的多元化整合模式對中國西部開發的啟示

Wetlands are critical to any ecological system , but particularly one which is as extensive and diverse as the mekong river basin 濕地是不可或缺的生態系統,尤其是廣泛富饒的湄公河流域。

Mrc in cooperation with iucn is implementing the gef / undp funded mekong wetland biodiveristy programme 我們和國際自然聯盟正在合作實施gef與聯合國環境署的湄公河濕地生物多樣性保護項目。

Cambodia , the land of the mekong river and the khmer people , has seen its fair share of violence and tragedy 湄公河與高棉人的土地柬埔寨,在見證暴力與悲劇過后終于否極泰來。

It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire mekong river from where it begins to where it ends 首先想到要沿湄公河從源頭到終點騎車旅游的是我的姐姐

The crew recreated the moody atmosphere of the mekong delta on sets built in santa ana and the bolsa chica wetlands 影片雖以越南為故事背景,但主要在加州santaana拍攝。

The crew recreated the moody atmosphere of the mekong delta on sets built in santa ana and the bolsa chica wetlands 影片雖以越南為故事背景但主要在加州santa ana拍攝。