
meiosis n.(pl. -ses )1.【生物學】減數分裂,成熟分...


In organisms showing alternation of generations , the gametes may be produced by mitosis in the haploid generation , or by meiosis in the diploid generation and give rise directly to gametes or gamete - producing cells 在表現出明顯世代交替的生物體中,配子可能是由單倍體世代發生有絲分裂產生,亦可由二倍體世代減數分裂直接產生配子體或配子母細胞。

In the research on mitosis , cdc2 can inhibit p70s6k to coordinate the growth and reproduction of cells . however , in meiosis , the function of these ki - nases is not very clear 在有關細胞有絲分裂的報道中, cdc2通過抑制p ~ ( 70 ) s6k來調節細胞的繁殖與生長,但在生殖細胞發育減數分裂過程中,關于cdc2與p ~ ( 70 ) s6k的生理作用和相互關系還尚未明確。

The cells were transplanted into mouse testes and were observed to undergo early meiosis - cell division - the next stage to them becoming mature sperm cells , although they did not develop further 這些細胞被移植到睪丸中,觀察到它們進行了早期減數分裂(細胞分裂) ,下一階段就要變成成熟的精子細胞,盡管他們沒有進一步分化。

05 ) , and had the tendency of increase as radiation frequency increased . the effect of low dose ionizing radiation on meiosis chromosome non - disjunction was remarkable from 2 gy ( p < 0 05 ) ,且具有隨照射次數的增加染色體不分離增加的趨勢;小劑量電離輻射對減數分裂的影響是從zgy開始,染色體不分離較對照增加(尸0

05 ) , and had the tendency of increase as dose increased . when radiation time was added up to 3 times , the rate of meiosis chromosome non - disjunction was significant higher than 1 time at the same dose ( p < 0 05 ) ,并具有隨劑量增加而增加趨勢;照射次數累加3次后,染色體不分離率較同等劑量照射1次明顯增加(尸o

Partial chromosomes happened abnormally during pollen mother cells meiosis , which included chromosome chain , chromosome loop , lagging chromosome and chromosome unequal distribution 麗? 2號花粉母細胞在減數分裂期染色體行為發生了異常,出現較高頻率的染色體鏈及少部分的染色體環和落后染色體。

In fetal gonad , oogonia become to primary oocytes by beginning of the first meiosis , and oocytes will be enclosed by ovarian somatic cells and further form the primordial follicles 在體內,卵原細胞會停止有絲分裂、啟動并進入減數分裂而轉變為卵母細胞,進而被周圍的體細胞包圍形成卵泡。

Translation trainees also need to be familiar with the syntax of indirect speech and various figures of speech in the source language such as hyperbole , irony , meiosis , and implicatures 翻譯學習者還需要了解源語言中間接呈現的語法現象和各種修辭法,譬如夸張、反語、緩敘以及暗示。

Aneuploidy the condition , resulting from nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes at meiosis , in which one or more chromosomes are missing from or added to the normal somatic chromosome number 非整倍性:在減數分裂的過程中同源染色體不分離而造成的一條或多條染色體的缺失或增加。

After the meiosis of mmc , abundant calcium precipitates were accumulated in the cytoplasm of early microspores , and then in pollen wall , especially in the part of germ - pores 在小孢子發育早期,花藥藥隔部位的絨氈層細胞質中鈣顆粒也明顯增加并特異性地分布在其內切向壁上。

The competence of oocytes to utilize hx and produce this meiosis - inhibiting substance lasted only a limited period ( 4h in this case ) , and after this time oocytes became incompetent 8 卵母細胞在培養4h之前可以代謝hx并產生抑制減數分裂的物質, 4h之后即不具備這種能力。

Pairing of homologous chromosomes ( synapsis ) commences at one or several points on the chromosome and is clearly seen during pachytene of meiosis i 同源染色體兩兩成對平行靠攏,這一現象也稱聯會,聯會發生在染色體的一點或多點上,可以在減數第一次分裂的粗線期觀察到。

The karyotype of nelumbo nucifera during meiosis zygotene was established in this study , which would help the studies of meiosis and molecular cytogenetics in lotus 摘要本研究建立了中國蓮偶線期染色體的核型,為研究蓮的減數分裂過程及分子細胞遺傳學研究提供基礎。

It is due to the lack of homologous pairs of chromosomes , so chromosomes cannot pair in meiosis , and the resulting gametes may have extra or missing chromosomes 這歸因于染色體同系對的缺乏,以至于在減數分裂中染色體不能配對,導致配子有可能有額外或缺失染色體。

Centromere the region of the chromosome that contains the kinetochore , the structure that becomes attached to the nuclear spindle during mitosis and meiosis 著絲粒:染色體上包含著絲點的區域,在細胞有絲分裂和減數分裂期間與紡錘體相整合的一種結構。

Segregation the separation of the two alleles of a gene into different gametes , brought about by the separation of homologous chromosomes at anaphase 1 of meiosis 分離:同源染色體在細胞減數分裂后期中向細胞極遷移,使等位基因最終分向不同配子。

When microspore mother cell ( mmc ) preparing meiosis , calcium precipitates appeared in the cytoplasm of tapetal cells and callus wall surrounding mmc 當花粉母細胞進行減數分裂時,花藥中的鈣顆粒進一步增加,尤其是在小孢子母細胞的胼胝質壁中。

Synapsis ( pairing ) the association of homologous chromosomes during the prophase stage of meiosis that leads to the production of a haploid number of bivalents 聯會(配對) :能產生單倍二價體的減數分裂前期,同源染色體的聯合現象。

Cytomixis in pollen mother cells usually occured at prophase of meiosis i , but this phenomenon was observed at other stages occasionally 花粉母細胞間染色質穿壁轉移大多發生在減數分裂的前期聯會時期,偶爾也有在其他時期發生的。