
meiji n.〔日語〕明治〔明治天皇年號〕。

mein kampf

This morning visit meiji jingu , imperial palace and tasaki pearl gallery . after lunch proceed to asakusa and shinjuku 隨后到新宿歌舞伎町,欣賞五光十色的霓虹招牌及多采多姿的夜生活,晚餐品嘗牛肉火鍋。

I have been interested in the history of japan , especially the meiji era , and also japanese architecture 以前對日本明治時代的歷史和建筑樣式很感興趣,曾一直憧憬如果有機會能在日本停留一段時間。

The national museum of modern art , tokyo houses japanese modern art from the meiji era to the present day 東京春花爛漫museum東京國立近代美術館展示從明治到現代的日本近代美術作品。

Comparison of debates between the codification of japan ' s meiji civil code and those concerning li - fa at the end of china ' s qing dynasty 日本明治時期民法典論爭與我國清末禮法之爭二

3 - minute walk from harajuku sta . on the jr line or from meiji - jingumae sta . on the tokyo metro chiyoda line 此外,他描繪了數百幅以上的花鳥畫,是花鳥畫師中舉足輕重的人物。

Yoyogi park ( earth day concert ) , meiji - jingu shrine sanshu - den hall etc . 1 - 1 yoyogi - kamizonocho , shibuya - ku , tokyo 代代木公園(地球日音樂會) 、明治神宮參集殿等

There are various “ shinise “ ( stores of long standing ) founded in edo or meiji era 這是一條美味飄香的商業街,有很多創業于江戶時代和明治時代的老字號店鋪。

Historically , only japan since the 1868 meiji reformation could match this pace of modernisation 歷史上只有日本自1868年明治維新開始的高速現代化可以媲美。

The meiji restoration , thetreaty of nanking ( and assimilation of hong kong by britain ) . . . others 明治維新,石頭城條約(和香港由英國接收收) . . .其他人

Tokyo - yokohama chinatown - asakusa kannon temple - imperial palace - ginza - tokyo tower - meiji shrine 淺草觀音廟皇居東京鐵塔明治神宮新宿

From shinjuku station east exit , walk along yasukuni - dori , turn to the left at meiji - dori 由jr新宿站東出口沿靖國大道前行,在明治大道往左拐。

During the meiji era 1868 - 1912 , japan began its avid assimilation of western civilization 在明治時期1868 - 1912 ,日本開始熱中于吸取西歐文明。

Masako okutani , registered as patent attorney , 2005 , japan ; education : meiji university . m . s . , 奧谷雅子專利代理人2005年取得日本專利代理人資格

But meiji government uses bushido to educate new meiji army , training they has such samurai moral 其武士道精神,應隨階級制度之廢止,崩壞消失。

The meiji constitution goes into effect in japan and the first diet convenes 1890年,明治憲法體系開始在日本生效,第一次日本議會會議召開。

Utilitarianism in the education reform of the westernization movement and the meiji reform 洋務運動與明治維新教育改革中的功利主義

Comparing some policies reformation between meiji reformation of japan and serfdom of russia 論農奴制改革后俄國專制制度的演變

Comparison between the new policies of the late period of qing dynasty and japan ' s meiji reform 清末新政與日本明治維新之比較

In the meiji gallery 在明治美術館