
megawatt n.【電學】兆瓦(特)。


When an electric utility builds a 1 , 000 - megawatt coal plant designed to trap co2 , it needs to have somewhere to stash securely the six million tons of the gas the facility will generate every year for its entire life 電力機構興建一座100萬? 、具備二氧化碳收集能力的燃煤電廠時,就必須找地方安頓它每年將制造的600萬噸二氧化碳。

The mechanical power generated is of the order of 20 million megawatts and the energy so generated in one day is equivalent to about 20 years supply of electricity for hong kong ( at the rate consumed in 1990 ) 它所產生的動力大概是二千萬兆瓦左右,在一天內所產生的能量,相當于香港大約20年的耗電量(以1990年的耗電量計算) 。

The mechanical power generated is of the order of 20 million megawatts and the energy so generated in one day is equivalent to about 20 years supply of electricity for hong kong at the rate consumed in 1990 它所產生的動力大概是二千萬兆瓦左右,在一天內所產生的能量,相當于香港大約20年的耗電量(以1990年的耗電量計算) 。

In order to meet growing domestic energy demand , china plans to build four 1 , 000 - megawatt plants as part of its strategy to quadruple nuclear capacity to 32 , 000 megawatts between 2005 and 2020 同時為了滿足國內日益增長的能源需求,中國計劃再建4座1000兆瓦的核電廠2005 2020年作為其戰略翻兩番核能力達到3 . 2萬兆瓦之間。

Within weeks the firm was reporting nine - month losses of ? 349m ( about $ 645m ) , even though each megawatt - hour from its eight plants had fetched some 25 % more than they did a year earlier 幾星期之內這家公司就報告聲稱自己連續9個月虧損,損失達? 349 ,盡管平均算來,每百萬瓦特/小時其旗下的8個工廠比同年早期要多盈利25 % 。

We have worked on component and full system design for machines ranging from 500w microturbines to multi - megawatt utility scale wind turbines . we tackle all elements of design , including mechanical , aerodynamic and aesthetics -主營并網型風力發電機組設計生產和銷售,兼營風場規劃可研和風場設計等技術咨詢業務。

The 3 , 000 megawatt ( mw ) power link went into commercial operation on dec . 9 during an inauguration ceremony at the huaxin hvdc receiver station on the outskirts of shanghai , china ' s largest city 該3 , 000兆瓦電力線在12月9日開始投入商業運營,這天在上海這個中國最大城市的市郊的華新hvdc換流站舉辦了投產慶祝典禮。

California , where the u . s . wind industry started , continues to lead the nation with 2 , 150 megawatts of installed wind power at the end of 2005 , according to the american wind energy association 根據美國風能協會的統計,加利福尼亞,這個美國風能工業開端之地,在2005年底仍以2 , 150兆瓦特的風能安裝量居美國首位。

By some counts , only 17 of nigeria ' s 79 power stations , many dating from this period , are still working ; the country ' s demand for power is an estimated 7 , 600 megawatts , against an actual operating capacity of 3 , 500mw 尼日利亞對電能的需求估計為七千六百兆瓦特,而目前發電站的實際產能卻只有三千五百兆瓦特。

The power superhighway running 2 , 000 kilometers ( 1 , 240 miles ) from western china to the highly industrialized coastal area in the east , will have a capacity of 6 , 400 megawatts ( mw ) 該超高速電力傳輸線從中國的西部延伸到工業高度發達的東部沿海地區,全長2千公里( 1240英里) ,容量將達6400兆瓦。

China is expected to increase additional 500 , 000 megawatt generating units to “ upgrade its power industry to a new stage “ over the next 15 years , chai said 難能可貴的是,少林客車不僅僅滿足于走出去,售后服務也能及時跟上。注重維護自己的品牌形象,不做一錘子買賣,是一個企業的遠見。

Maybe even one ohm for some of these gee - whiz ultra - stable megawatt car audio amplifiers meant to cause your eardrums to meet in the center of your skull 也許你會看到一個只有一歐姆阻抗的系統,例如那些刺耳、無比穩定、而且標稱上兆瓦功率的車載放大器,那么這個時候,你只能耳膜打鼓了。

Of all the renewables , wind power is probably the most successful : around 24 megawatts of electricity are produced throughout the world from wind , and it costs less than gas 在所有的可再生能源中,風能可能是利用得最成功的:風給全世界產生大約24兆瓦的電能,使電比天然氣的價錢還便宜。

China eliminated small and inefficient power plants with a total generating capacity of 5 , 500 megawatts in the first half of 2007 , the national development and reform commission ( ndrc ) revealed 國家發改委稱, 2007年上半年中國關停了總產量達5 , 500兆瓦的一批小型及低效能發電廠。

It has a capacity of 30 megawatts and every year will use 150 , 000 - 200 , 000 tons of crop waste , a mixture of cotton stalks , corn cobs , rice hulls , and peanut shells 國能單縣的裝機總量為3萬千瓦并且每年將消耗15萬- 20萬噸生物廢料,而生物廢料主要由花生殼.稻殼.玉米秸稈混合而成。

If so , the uk will need to build many more biomass power stations to increase the number of megawatts generated from todays total of 100mw to something nearer 1 , 000mw 果真如此的話,英國就需要建設比現在多的多的生物質發電廠,以便使生物質發電廠的總發電量從目前的

By contrast , if 44 megawatts of electricity was generated in a coal - fired power plant , over 150 , 000 tons of carbon dioxide would be released to the atmosphere 根據設計發電能力,洛克比發電廠在投入使用之后,將可以為大約七萬個家庭提供符合炭平衡要求的電力。

They are scheduled to visit a five - megawatt reactor , a nuclear fuel fabrication plant and a reprocessing plant in the yongbyon nuclear complex 代表團計劃參觀位于寧邊核綜合基地的一座具有五兆瓦特的核反應堆,一家核燃料制造工廠以及一家核廢料回收工廠。

They are scheduled to visit a five - megawatt reactor , a nuclear fuel fabrication plant and a reprocessing plant in the yongbyon nuclear complex 他們計劃在平壤核研究中心調查一個五兆瓦特的反應堆,一個核燃料制作工廠和一個核燃料后處理工廠。