
megatron n.【無線電】塔形(電子)管。


Oslash ; in deep space , unicron finds megatron and the deactivated seekers . he uses the warriors ' sparks to give life to cyclonus and scourge , the generals of his drone army 宇宙大帝于太空深處發現威震天及霸天虎戰士殘骸。宇宙大帝用霸天虎尸骸造狂飆與瘟疫,命二人統制一支傀儡新軍。

In deep space , unicron finds megatron and the deactivated seekers . he uses the warriors ' sparks to give life to cyclonus and scourge , the generals of his drone army 宇宙大帝于太空深處發現威震天及霸天虎戰士殘骸。宇宙大帝用霸天虎尸骸造狂飆與瘟疫,命二人統制一支傀儡新軍。

Starscream - 2 - faced . secretly plotting to overthrow megatron . doesn ' t neccassarily want megatron ' s duties , but wants to be leader 紅蜘蛛:兩面派。秘密陰謀推翻威震天。本身并不想承擔威震天的責任,但是想成為首領。

He then ordered red alert to hack the treacherous decepticon ' s warp transponder , which led them to megatron ' s pacific island base 擎天柱緊接著命令紅色警報入侵他的通訊系統,從而得知威震天在太平洋島嶼的情報。

Scourge : very touching . here is my answer . now ! hahaha . now , i want to take the o - parts directly back to megatron 真動人啊.這是我的回答.哈哈哈!我要把o型圓盤直接帶回給威震天

Megatron will not be the most active leader , but will apparently be directing a lot of what the evil fleshies do 威震天將不是最有效的領導,但是將會在表面上指揮著罪惡的部隊。

Megatron : that ' s marvelous . remind me to commend sky - byte for a great bluff . it actually worked this time 非凡的成功.提醒我到時為這一大騙局表揚天鯊.這次它的確靈光

Optimus : it looks as if megatron has been using the psycho - probe to pry information from dr . onishi 看起來似乎是威震天用了心理探測儀從尾西博士那里榨取到了信息

Bonecrusher - closest to constructicon . hates all other decepticons except for megatron 推土機:和挖地虎非常接近。憎恨除威震天外的所有其他霸天虎。

Bonecrusher - closest to constructicon . hates all other decepticons except for megatron 船頭浪:和挖地虎非常接近。憎恨除威震天外的所有其他狂派。

Bonecrusher : closest to constructicon ; hates other decepticons except for megatron 推土機:與挖地虎最接近;憎惡除威震天外的其他霸天虎。

Megatron not here , soundwave and casseticon not here , tc and skywarp not here 威震天不在,聲波和磁帶們不在,驚天雷和鬧翻天不在。

If you want to change things so much megatron , why don ' t you start with yourself 如果你執著于改變,威震天,為什么不先身體力行?

Starscream : 2 - faced ; secretly planning to overthrow megatron ; wants to be leader 紅蜘蛛:兩面派;密謀推翻威震天;想成為首領。

Megatron - survival of fittest . less idealistic version of humanity 威震天:最強大的生存者。性格務實,不理想化。

Megatron - survival of fittest . less idealistic version of humanity 威震天:適者生存主義者。性格務實,不理想化。

Megatron : strong survival ability ; less idealistic of humanity 威震天:生存能力超強;實干而不理想化。

So you mean , megatron is near success 你是說,威震天就要成功了?

Jazz : you want a piece of me megatron 你想要拆我一塊下來嗎,威震天?