
megaton n.1.百萬噸。2.百萬噸級〔核爆力計算單位〕。adj....


They calculate that the impact of a body 250 kilometers wide would have delivered energy equivalent to 100 billion megatons of tnt to the planet , melting exposed polar ice and injecting enough water into the atmosphere to rain out 16 meters of precipitation 研究人員推算,直徑250公里的星體對火星的沖擊能量相當于1000億個百萬噸黃色炸藥,足以融化裸露的兩極冰帽,將大量的水帶入大氣,造成16公尺的降雨量。

For example , a one - megaton nuclear warhead would need to be intercepted at an altitude of at least 10 kilometers to prevent the city from being incinerated by the heat of the hydrogen bomb 舉例來說,一枚百萬噸級的核子彈頭,必須在10公里以上的高空攔截,城市才不致于因為氫彈的熱度而化為灰燼。

A one - kilogram chunk of matter converted completely to energy ? this is a working definition of a 20 - megaton hydrogen bomb 一公斤大小的物質完全轉化為能量這正是一顆2000萬噸氫彈的實際定義。

In 1961 , the soviet union tested a hydrogen bomb with a force estimated at 58 megatons 1961年10月30日,蘇聯測試了一個氫彈的爆炸力約為58兆噸

In 1961 , the soviet union tested a hydrogen bomb with a force estimated at 58 megatons 1961年,蘇聯測試了一個暴力估計在58兆噸的氫彈。

Mining of no beforehand to dig the roadway of the dip long - wall megaton ' s double - unit faces 無預掘巷道傾斜長壁對拉百萬噸工作面的開采

Any more would create core instability . - we made a few 200 - megaton devices -再多會造成核心不穩定-我們也制造了一些兩億的

Let ' s go throw our last little 200 megaton stone in the pond 我們來向水塘里扔出最后一個200兆噸的石頭

A thousand megatons , give or take 一千百萬噸,可以有小誤差

The 1 , 000 megatons of nuclear warheads we hauled here won t cut it 十億噸的核子彈頭居然沒有用?

All right . let s go throw our last little 200 megaton - stone in the pond 我們把最后一顆炸彈丟出去

The 1 , 000 megatons of nuclear warheads 我們帶來的那1000兆噸當量

We made a few monster warheads in the 200 - megaton range 我們造了幾個200 -百萬噸級的巨大的彈頭

What s a tiny nudge ? - around 1 , 000 megaton -何謂輕輕一推? -大約十億噸

Since that time, much more powerful weapons, with energy yields in the megaton range, have been developed . 從那以后,已經制造出威力大得多的武器,產生的能量在兆噸級。