
megaphone n.擴音器;喇叭筒,喊話筒;傳聲筒。vt.,vi.用喇叭...


Hong kong police force representative explained section 5 of the noise control ordinance ( cap . 400 ) that any person who at anytime in any domestic or public place plays musical or other instrument , loudspeaker , megaphone or other instrument for magnifying sound and annoying any person has committed an offence . the police normally handled such nuisance 香港警務處的代表講解《噪音管制條例》 (第400章)第5條,表示任何人于任何時間,在住宅或公眾地方奏玩樂器或其他器具,或使用揚聲器、傳聲筒或其他擴音裝置而煩擾他人,即屬犯罪,警方通常會加以處理。

If we fill in the missing blanks with such descriptions as “ the megaphone was used to direct psychoacoustic frequencies that engaged the neural networks of the enemy ' s brain , causing him to think any thought and feel any emotion that the americans chose to lay on him “ , then it starts to make sense 如果我們用這樣的描述填補了空白,因為“擴音器被用了直接的心理聲學的頻率,使敵人大腦的神經網絡忙碌,導致他思考任何想法和感覺任何情緒,美國人選擇加在他身上” ,接著它開始制造感覺。

It is goes in for research , development and production of products including tweeters , drivers , acoustic control lamps , guitar acoustics , sound boxes , amplifiers for auto , megaphones and crossovers etc . which are widely used in acoustic equipments such as special audio , car audio and beach audio 公司專業從事研制開發生產高音揚聲器驅動頭聲控燈系列吉它音響音箱汽車功放喊話器分頻器等產品。產品廣泛用于專業音響汽車音響沙灘音響等音響設備產品全部出口至亞非歐美市場。

The signal for prayer was then promptly given by megaphone and in an instant all heads were bared , the commendatore s patriarchal sombrero , which has been in the possession of his family since the revolution of rienzi , being removed by his medical adviser in attendance , dr pippi 擴音器里傳出了祈禱的信號。全體與會者立即脫帽,騎士團司令官那頂標志著族長身分的高頂闊邊帽自林220那場革命以來,這就歸他這一家人所有了,由他身邊的侍醫皮普221博士摘掉了。

These sounds are generally emitted through the mouth , but horseshoe and leaf - nosed bats emit their echolocation calls through their nostrils , there they have basal fleshy horseshoe or leaf - like structures that are well adapted to function as megaphones 這些聲音一般通過口發出,但具有馬蹄鐵形和葉形鼻于的蝙蝠則通過鼻孔發出它們的回聲定位叫聲,在那里它們具有非常適合放大器功能的基本的肉質馬蹄鐵或葉狀結構。

Meanwhile , those who would be screaming down a megaphone for full disclosure if the problem banks were argentine or brazilian should apply the same discipline closer to home 同時,那些每當阿根廷或巴西的銀行一出現問題就聒噪個不停的家伙應該對本土銀行一視同仁。

Lee commentated the quidditch matches at hogwarts , using a magical megaphone to make his voice heard all over the stadium 李在霍格沃茨解說魁地奇比賽時,使用的是魔法擴音器,這樣他的聲音就能傳遍全場了。

But the rest of us probably need to muzzle it online , if only because of the megaphone effect of internet communications 但是,就憑互聯網交流的擴音器效應,我們其他人可能也需要在網絡上保持緘默。

Lee commentated the quidditch matches at hogwarts , using a magical megaphone to make his voice heard all over the stadium 李在霍格沃茨學校是魁地奇比賽的解說員,他使用魔法擴音器把聲音傳遍全場。

Jude : well i ' m sorry i ' m not the man with the megaphone , but this is what i do 裘德:好吧,我很抱歉我不是那個拿著擴音筒的人,但這正是我要做的。

Mcgonagall always stands by to take the megaphone away if he gets out of hand 麥格教授總是站在一邊,以便在他不能控制自己的時候搶下擴音器。

Mcgonagall always stands by to take the megaphone away if he gets out of hand 麥格教授總是站在一邊,以便在他失控的時候搶下擴音器。

Making monetary policy by megaphone never leads to good results 夸夸其談的貨幣政策決不會取得效果。

General specification for portable megaphone 便攜式喊話器通用技術條件

On megaphone sorry about your wife , reuben 對你妻子的事我很難過,魯本

[ on megaphone ] sorry about your wife , reuben 對你妻子的事我很難過,魯本

That megaphone . - the megaphone didn ' t beat me 那個擴音器-我不是被擴音器打敗

- that megaphone . - the megaphone didn ' t beat me -那個擴音器-我不是被擴音器打敗

The conference hall was installed with radio set and megaphone . 會場里設置了收音機和擴音器。