
megalopolis n.特大城市。adj.-politan ,n.


Then , the thesis appraises several city comprehensive parks in changsha ( megalopolis ) and xiangtan ( large city ) : martyr park and south suburb park in changsha , yu hu park in xiangtan with poe model aiming at city comprehensive parks , which reflects objectively using situation in comprehensive parks of large city with questionnaires , observation and random interviews , and analyzing the finding 然后,論文應用公園使用狀況評價模式對長沙市(特大城市)和湘潭市(大城市)的三個綜合公園(烈士公園、南郊公園和雨湖公園)進行了使用狀況評估。通過對公園使用者和其行為活動進行了觀察調查、問卷調查和隨機訪談,比較分析調查結果,論文客觀地評價了當前大城市綜合公園的使用狀況。

With the improvements in infrastructure , the growing socio - economic mix caused by the large number of people travelling across the boundary , the increasing use of new communication technology such as faxes , mobile phones , satellite tv , functionally in spatial and socio - economic terms , hong kong and the prd as a city region or megalopolis has been further strengthened 由于基礎設施改善,大量人口往來兩地帶來社會經濟融合,以及新通訊科技包括傳真、手提電話、衛星電視等的廣泛應用,香港與珠江三角洲地區無論就空間和社會經濟的功能而言,已聯結成一個城市-區域或特大都會區。

The car emitted a large quantity of deleterious exhaust gas in the megalopolis and at the building or mineral sites , which threatens badly the somatopsychic health of inhabitant and breaks the ecosystem equilibrium . being a flowing contaminative source , the automotive vehicles have become the “ chief criminal “ of air pollution 汽車作為一個流動的污染源,在人口密集的城市和交通發達的工礦地區,到處散發著大量廢氣,嚴重威脅著居民的身心健康,破壞著生態平衡,成為大氣污染的“罪魁禍首” 。

In this article , the comparison and analysis conclusion of economic force among wuhan megalopolis mega - beijing city , some important economic indexes , including gdp , growth rate of gdp , structure of industry , science and technology , human resource , etc . are taken into account to compare and analyze the economic force among wuhan , beijing , and tianjin city from 1997 to 2002 . the conclusion is given in details to indicate both advantages and disadvantages in the economy of wuhan city . the results indicate the existent inferior and superiority position in the economic development of wuhan megalopolis 在將大北京與武漢城市圈比較分析的基礎上,本文提出了當前武漢城市圈建設中存在的機遇和困難,并對武漢城市圈進行了定位和產業的梯度分工,提出要尊重客觀經濟規律,通過市場化的運行來推動城市圈的構造,以市場為導向,以產業為依托,以利益為紐帶,采取‘市場主導、政府推動’的模式,真正實現基礎設施建設一體化、產業布局一體化、區域市場一體化、城鄉建設一體化、體制創新一體化和招商引資一體化。

Within the region , economic coordination and integration can be established between cities and town through relevant agreement and policy , so as to upgrade the level of economic development in the whole megalopolis and generate strong radiation effects on the whole province through the huge urban system 在這一區域內,各市鎮間可通過相關的協議與政策,建立經濟協作與一體化關系,提升整個城市圈內的經濟發展水平,通過龐大的城市體系對貴州全省產生強有力的輻射影響。

A lot of exceed heavily and the megalopolis in china is all seeking to develop rail transmit , at this moment , to study the relation of city rail transit and land use has certain perspective and realistic meanings , and it is this text that stand the original meanings of question too 在分析我國城市交通的主要問題、交通運輸的可動性以及交通運輸與城市發展的基礎上,闡明了軌道交通是我國城市可持續發展的必然選擇,并以我國超大城市上海為例,分析了軌道交通與城市發展的關系;第三章,城市軌道交通與土地利用。

While promoting the development of the three loop roads of the tokyo megalopolis region by , for example , making a breakthrough in construction of the tokyo outer loop road that has been frozen for over 30 years , the metropolitan government is also pressing forward with the development of the arterial roads that form the city s framework , such as the ring roads of the ward area and the tama north - south road 例如,在促進東京都三環道路開發的同時,力爭在已經停滯了近三十年東京外環路的建設上取得一個的突破,都政府也在加緊城市主干道路的開發工作。這些主干道路構成了城市的基本框架,諸如特別區內的環線和多摩的南北道路。

This article is about the planning of wuhan megalopolis . third plenum of 16th cpc central committee decided that efforts should be made to encourage some developed areas in the eastern region to take the lead in the country ' s modernization drive , and promote coordinated economic and social development on a regional basis . situated in central china , wuhan is one of the country ' s important old industrial bases 都市經濟圈從理論上講,是以一個或多個經濟較發達并具有較強城市功能的中心城市為核心,同其有經濟內在聯系的地域相鄰的若干周邊城鎮所覆蓋的區域相組成的,其經濟吸引和經濟輻射能力能夠達到并能促進相應地區經濟發展的最大地域。

This chapter also puts forward the integration strategy and connotation for realizing regional urban construction . the third chapter expounds the optimal pattern of regional urban construction and raises to achieve urbanization strategy with megalopolis as a guiding role . in order to form scientific , reasonable and harmonious regional urban system , it is needed to develop big city firstly , guide the development of surrounding cities and small town including country through greater and super cities 第三章,論述區域城鎮結構整合的優化模式,提出需實行巨城主導型的城市化戰略方針,優先、放手發展超大城市增長極,加快形成上千萬城市人口的現代大都市,以超大特大城市帶動周邊輻射范圍內大中小城市和小城鎮包括農村腹地的發展,從而形成巨城主導下的科學、合理、協調的區域城鎮體系。

In part one , the present writer has discussed the macro background of the study on the urban area spread of the big city , which consists of three sections : tendency of the accelerating urbanization and metropolis - lization , the dynamic mechanism and the spread model and principal character of the western megalopolis , spread necessity and spread mode of chinese big city area 第一部分,對大城市地域擴展研究的宏觀背景做了闡述。分析了世界城市化和大城市化趨勢明顯的客觀事實,西方國家大城市地域擴展動力機制、典型模式與共性特征,以及中國大城市地域擴展的必要性、必然性和主要的擴展模式。

Abstract : by reviewing governance and city alliance theories in literatures , and analysing existing megalopolis coordination and governance in china , the author argues that the establishment of cities alliance will provide a platform for communication , discussion , exchanging , cooperation and coordination in a megalopolis 摘要:通過對區域管治和城市聯盟理論的探討,以及對我國城市連綿區城市協調和管治的一種新的嘗試? ?城市聯盟的現狀和存在的問題所做的分析,作者認為城市聯盟的建立是為了在城市連綿區搭建一個協商、對話、溝通、交流、合作和協調的多層次平臺。

Building wuhan megalopolis is expected to make the this region a new economic growth area following the flourishing pearl river delta in the south , a result of the reform drive , the yangtze river delta in the east and the mega - beijing city in the north 將現階段將武漢城市圈的建設立足于湖北,以武漢為中心拉動周邊八市的發展,是一種符合實際的正確思路。在建立城市圈的過程中,必須要參照其他都市圈的建設經驗,以揚長避短,少走彎路。

Job prospects are generally bright in japan ' s powerhouse ? the nearly uninterrupted megalopolis that stretches south - west in a strip nearly 300 miles ( 480km ) long down japan ' s main honshu island , from tokyo , through to osaka , japan ' s second city , to beyond kobe 工作基本上集中在日本經濟的核心位于本州島,幾乎連成一片的向西南伸展的綿延約300英里( 480公里)長的人口稠密區域,從東京開始,通過日本第二大城市大阪,直到神戶更遠的地區。

Due to the rapid development in the past 10 to 20 years , industrial structure has been more reasonable , the local economy has been strengthened greatly , and the integrated situation of urban - rural and megalopolis has been formed fundamentally 在持續十幾、二十幾年的經濟快速發展過程中,該地區產業結構進一步優化,經濟實力迅速提高,已經基本形成城鄉一體化、城市連綿化的格局,為我國綜合實力的增強做出了巨大貢獻。

Job prospects are generally bright in japan ' s powerhouse ? the nearly uninterrupted megalopolis that stretches south - west in a strip nearly 300 miles ( 480km ) long down japan ' s main honshu island , from tokyo , through to osaka , japan ' s second city , to beyond kobe 在日本的權力集中的大都市,從首都東京到日本第二都市大阪,再越過神戶,向西南延伸于日本最大的島-本州300英里( 480公里)的細長區域,職業前景一片光明。

Facing the newly emerging megalopolis areas in the 21st century china , the author argues that the mass transit system plays a leading role in the orderly development of megalopolis ; in which urban rapid rail transit is the most important 摘要面對我國21世紀即將出現的城市群,闡述綜合交通系統建設對城市群發展的有序引志作用,其中快速軌道交通尤?首要。

At present , domestic communication researchers common to centre in attention the big city and megalopolis centre district , and pay seldom attention to the traffic of center district of the small and medium - sized cities 目前,國內交通研究人員普遍把注意力集中在大城市及特大城市中心區,而對中小城市中心區的交通極少關注。

The whole world is watching with great interest the remarkable changes that are taking place in china , particularly in shanghai , a thriving and robust megalopolis 整個世界都在以極大的興趣注視著中國正在發生的巨大變化,尤其是注視著上海這座蓬勃向上的特大型城市所發生的巨大變化。

Viewed from the perspective of the urbanization process , megalopolis plays a critical role in urban system in the whole region and urban economic development 摘要從城市化發展歷程的角度考察,城市圈在整個區域城市體系及城市經濟發展中具有極其重要的作用。