
megalomaniac n.,adj.妄自尊大的(人);患夸大狂的(人)。adj...


Rather than wasting bullets , megalomaniacs prefer to kill their arch enemies using complicated machinery involving fuses [ 4 ] , pulley systems , deadly gasses , lasers , and man - eating sharks , which will allow their captives at least 20 minutes to escape 跟浪費子彈比起來,自大狂們更喜歡使用復雜的器具干掉他們的頭號敵人,包括定時炸彈、滑輪裝置、致命毒氣、激光和食人鯊,這至少給了他們的俘虜20分鐘的時間逃跑。

Prosecutors say the visually impaired guru , a former yoga instructor and unsuccessful candidate for parliament , became a megalomaniac who wanted to stage a coup and proclaim himself “ king of japan . 檢察官表示,這位視力不良、曾經擔任瑜加教練、競選日本國會議員沒有成功的奧姆真理教教主麻原彰晃,希望發動一項政變并且聲稱自己是“日本王” 。

Even that most british film icon james bond realised that offending the us military holds as many perils as upsetting any other megalomaniac hell - bent on world domination 甚至英國的電影偶像詹姆斯?邦德也認識到冒犯美軍與冒犯任何一個一心想控制世界的妄自尊大狂一樣危險。

Rather than wasting bullets , megalomaniacs prefer to kill their enemies with complicated devices incorporating fuses , pulleys , deadly gases , lasers and man - eating sharks 患有妄想癥的壞人都不愿浪費子彈,他們偏好用各種包含引線、滑輪、毒氣、雷射與鯊魚的復雜裝置來殺人。

The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming , and seeks to be feared rather than loved 自大狂與自戀者的不同在于他希冀的是權力而不是魅力,追求被畏懼而不是被愛。

Self - absorption is of various kinds . we may take the sinner , the narcissist and the megalomaniac as three very common types “自我沉溺”種類繁多。我們可以挑出“畏罪狂” , “自溺狂” , “自大狂”三種最普通的典型。

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I megalomaniac introduction 我是自大狂游戲攻略

Not a fuckwit , alcoholic , workaholic , pervert or megalomaniac , 他不是笨蛋、酒鬼、工作狂、變態或是自大狂

I was shielded from the megalomaniac projects .對那些狂妄的計劃

I megalomaniac games - 4455 miniclip games 我是自大狂小游戲- 4399小游戲