
megalithic adj.巨石的。


Archaeoastronomy is the study and interpretation of solar , lunar and stellar alignments found at ancient monuments such as pyramids , towers , ground lines such as the nazca lines in peru , and megalithic sites stonehenge , carnac , newgrange , etc 考古天文學是研究和解釋太陽、月亮和恒星排列,是研究和解釋在古代建立的紀念碑諸如金字塔、城堡、地面線條如秘魯的納斯卡線條和巨石地方史前巨石柱、卡納克,紐格蘭奇古墓等等。

The earliest examples of architecture visible in ireland today are megalithic tombs 35002000 b . c . . these include dolmens three or more standing stones supporting one or two capstones and passage graves such as newgrange 今天在愛爾蘭依然可見的最早建筑范例是巨石墓碑(公元前3700 2000年) ,包括巨石塔( 3塊或更多的立石支撐著一塊或兩塊壓頂石)和走廊式墓穴,比如新莊園( newgrange ) 。

It is a reasonable assumption that this is a megalithic structure of a type which became common during the late neolithic i . e . new stone age and early bronze age and which spread throughout the world 用大塊石頭堆疊成形形式式的結構,是新石器時代晚期及青銅時代早期文化特徵之一,分布范圍遍及世界各地;分流的石圓環,很可能也屬這類結構。

Aubrey was the first modern writer to connect stonehenge and other megalithic monuments with druidry , a misconception that shaped ideas of druidry during much of the 19th century 奧布里是首位涉及到史前巨石陣和其他德魯伊教巨石紀念碑的現代作家,在十九世紀期間,一種誤解發展出了一種對德魯伊教的想法。

The earliest irish art consists of carvings on megalithic monuments dating from 3500 b . c . celtic art reached its apogee in the manuscripts of the gospels such as the books of durrow and kells 最早的愛爾蘭藝術包括公元前2500 2000年的巨石紀念碑上的雕刻品,凱爾特藝術在福音書稿里達到了它的巔峰。

In writer marshall mcluhan s global village , a lot of kiosks and corner stores of creative output are dwarfed by the megalithic big box stores 在作家marshall mcluhan的地球村中,許多出售創造性作品的售貨亭和街角商店因超大型商店的出現而變得相形見絀。

The largest group of religious monuments and megalithic sculptures in south america stands in a wild , spectacular landscape 在南美洲一片原始壯觀的風景區內豎立著一些巨大的宗教性的紀念像和雕塑。

These ancient people were known as the megalithic stone builders who lived on the planet 5 , 000 years ago 這些古代人們熟悉生活在5000年前的巨石建筑者。

She is also standing next to a megalithic structure - a dolmen 她也站在一座巨石建成的建筑物旁? ?史前巨石陣。

Newgrange has some of the finest megalithic art in europe 新莊園擁有歐洲最好的一些巨石藝術。