
megalith n.(史前建筑遺存的)巨石;巨碑。


At present , is included by the united nations the world culture and the natural heritage scenic spot historical site and the natural landscrape has 14 , namely the london tower , ( the congress building ) , the cloth roentgen heym palace ( nearby oxford ) , the kanter uncle thunder host church , the buss city , salisbury suburb megalith and so on the vestige , the iron bridge canyon ( west of wool fertile hampton ) , fang tingsi the monastery and the botanical garden ( york by north ) , dallam ' s cathedral and the ancient castle , the harder good great wall ( area newcastle ) , gwynedd ' s castle group ( area the welsh carnarvon ) , scotland ' s saint kiel reaches the archipelago , north blue likes “ road of the giant “ being with pacific ocean ' s on england enjoys the german woods coral island 目前,被聯合國列入世界文化和自然遺產的名勝古跡和天然景觀就有14處,即倫敦塔、威斯敏斯特宮(國會大廈) 、布倫海姆宮(牛津附近) ,坎特伯雷主教堂、巴斯城、索爾茲伯里郊區的巨石陣等遺跡,鐵橋峽(伍爾沃漢普頓以西) ,方廷斯修道院及園林(約克以北) 、達勒姆的大教堂和古城堡、哈德良長城(紐卡斯爾一帶) ,圭內斯的城堡群(威爾士卡那封一帶) ,蘇格蘭的圣基爾達群島,北愛蘭的“巨人之路”和太平洋上的英國屬地享德森珊瑚島。

In rift valleynarrowest place during , the natural megalith spans together , thenatural moat changes the thoroughfare ancient , the rift valley twosides cliffs 峙 立 , wooden towering , the wild flower is brilliant , sight fluttering flags 在裂谷最窄處,一塊天然巨石橫亙其間,天塹變通途,裂谷兩側懸崖峙立、古木參天、山花爛漫,風光旖旎。

December 25th in 2005 , i esteem highly most of a boon teacher wu ying xiang professor walk , tumbling down in the megalith of my that chinese orchids altar in the heart 2005年12月25日,我最敬重的一位恩師吳應祥教授走了,在我心中的那塊中國蘭花壇上的巨石倒塌了!

The three megaliths at the entrance of mt . tienchu scenic area ? ? tienchu mountain ' s golden signboard 天柱山景區入口處的三塊巨石? ?天柱山的金招牌。

Grass ' s moaning under megalith - the soul of zhang ailing ' s stories 張愛玲小說之魂

There is no way we can know exactly why the megalith builders set the big stones into the ground . 我們無法確知為什么古建筑者把巨石嵌入地面。