
megahertz n.(pl. megahertz) 【物理學】兆赫(茲)...


To ensure the precision of distance measuring , the high - speed laser driving circuit and the detect - amplifying circuit constituted by two class high - speed operational amplifiers are used in auto adaptive cruise - control system , and the laser flying time is measured by a sixteen bit ' s binary counter , whose counting frequency is 100 megahertz 為保障測距精度,裝置采用高速激光器驅動電路和由兩級高速運算放大器構成的探測放大電路,并用一個計數脈沖頻率為100mhz的16位二進制計數器完成激光收發間隔時間的測量。

In actual fact , a suitably modified amateur radio transmitter operating in either the 420 to 450 megahertz band or the 1 . 3 gigahertz band , with a highly directional antenna , is capable of transmitting voice to skull signals at less cost than the price of an automobile 事實上,一個適當限制在420到450兆赫波段或1 . 3千兆赫波段的帶有高度定向天線的業余無線電廣播發射機,能夠把聲音信號傳給頭骨并且所花的費用比一輛汽車的價格還要少。

At last , research on the characteristics of two parallel power mosfets on megahertz in dynamic mode are experimented and some available measures are made to balance the currents . experimental results show the measures are very effective and good effect is got 最后采用實驗方法對兆赫級功率mosfet雙管并聯在動態開關模式下的均流特性進行研究并采用了一些行之有效西安理工大學碩士學位論文的措施使得電流分配基本均衡。

Computer with 300 megahertz or higher processor clock speed recommended ; 233 mhz minimum required single or dual processor system ; intel pentium celeron family , or amd k6 athlon duron family , or compatible processor recommended 建議使用處理器時鐘速度為300兆赫茲或更快的計算機至少需要233 mhz單處理器或雙處理器系統建議使用intel pentium celeron系列amd k6 athlon duron系列或兼容的處理器

The speed of a computer is usually expressed in cycles per second . typical machines operate at 100 to 200 megahertz or 100 million to 200 million cycles per second 計算機的速度通常用每秒(執行)的(時鐘)周期來表示。典型的機器運轉在100到200兆赫或者說每秒100到200兆周期。

Bandwidth - the range within a band of wavelengths or frequencies , in cable typically measured in megahertz . fully upgraded cable systems usually offer 750 mhz of bandwidth 帶寬-一束波長或頻率的范圍。有線電視用赫茲來衡量,當今最新的有線電視系統通常能提供750兆赫的帶寬。

The possibilities include two overlapping licenses for 3 megahertz of airwaves , or one 3 mhz exclusive license and another 1 mhz exclusive license 國際在線獨家資訊程瑤本稿件為國際在線專稿,媒體轉載請注明稿件來源和譯者姓名。

When determining the speed of a computer , the number of megahertz branded onto the chip tells only one part of the story 在確定一臺計算機的速度時,標在芯片上的兆赫數只告訴了事情的一個方面。

Units : megahertz ( mhz ) am ( amplitude modulation ) , 200 and up are for military use , but are staffed by the same civil controllers 單位:兆赫,調幅, 200以上為軍用,亦為民航管制員執勤。

Speed is designated in clock cycles , and is usually measured in millions of cycles per second megahertz , mhz 速度以時鐘周期指定,通常以每秒百萬個周期(兆赫茲( megahertz , mhz )計量。

Intel pentium iii or compatible 550 - megahertz or faster processor 1 ghz or faster recommended Intel pentium iii或兼容的550 mhz或速度更快的處理器(建議使用1 ghz或速度更快的處理器)

High - speed analog - to - digital conversion chips can thus exploit hundreds of megahertz of rf spectrum simultaneously 高速類比數位轉換晶片因此能同時運用數億赫茲的rf頻譜。

One 1995 microprocessor uses this deeper pipeline to achieve a 300 - megahertz clock rate 一臺1995年生產的微處理器用這種更先進的流水線操作可達到300兆赫的時鐘頻率。

A personal computer with a 100 - megahertz clock then executes 100 million stages per second 一臺時鐘頻率為100兆赫的個人電腦每秒能執行一億次運算。

The bandwidth ( megahertz ) and spectrum position of the signal arising from television scanning 電視掃描信號所占的頻譜位置和帶寬(以兆赫計) 。

Initially rfid tags worked only at frequency bands of 13 . 56 megahertz or lower 早期的射頻識別標簽只能在13 . 56百萬赫茲或更低的頻率下作用。

A clock signal with 1 million pulses per second is referred to as a 1 megahertz 每秒鐘有一百萬個脈沖及時鐘信號,也稱兆赫( ? )時鐘信號。

A personal computer with a 733 - megahertz or higher pentium iii - compatible cpu 具有733 mhz或更快處理器之pentium iii相容cpu的個人電腦。

The second parameter specifies the rate of the pixel clock in megahertz 第2個參數指定的是像素時鐘頻率(單位為mhz ) 。