
megadyne n.【物理學】兆達(因)。


The advanced productive technique , large productive ability and continuous research and development makes megadyne as the worldwide company able to supply the complete range of belts and it supplies the main oem for industrial applications 我們憑借先進的生產技術、強大的生產力和不斷的研發能力使麥高迪成為世界領先的具有生產完整規格工業皮帶的公司,我們主要服務于各種不同工業領域的oem 。

Megadyne products are used in all industrial drive applications , for power transmission , synchronization , conveying , linear positioning and domestic applications 麥高迪產品可以廣泛應用于動力傳動、同步輸送、直線定位以及辦公和家用設備中。

Megadyne is a leading worldwide manufacture of polyurethane transmission belts and rubber belts 意大利麥高迪公司是全球著名的聚氨脂皮帶和橡膠帶生產企業。