
megacycle n.【無線電】兆周。


Wedge : i ' m so proud of us . i didn ' t think we ' d complete construction on the south ocean underpass in anything less than a megacycle 我真為我們驕傲.我幾乎不敢相信我們已經在不到一兆周的時間里完成了南大洋地下通道的所有工程

This depends on the precise radio frequency of the 21 - cm wavelength , or 1420 megacycles per second 這種通迅聯系要靠21厘料波段,即每秒1420兆周的精確無線電頻率。

The design and specification of the megacycle college yitai circlation net 校園千兆以太網的規劃與設計

Hightower : we did two global routes in one megacycle 我們在一兆周內造了兩條環球線路

An acoustic-emission pulse contains a very wide range of frequency components, extending up into the megacycle range . 聲發射脈沖就包含一個很寬的頻率組成范圍,可擴展到兆赫。