
megabyte n.【計算機】兆字節。


Optical disks : storage device that can hold 650 megabytes of data . lasers are used to record and read data on the disk 硬盤:封裝有一個或多個的磁盤片的磁盤機.一臺硬盤的容量是軟盤的多倍

From the original ten megabytes sharable ethernet to fast - speed ( 100 m ) ethernet and currently multi - gigabytes ethernet 從最初的10兆共享式以太網到快速交換以太網,以至到千兆以太網。

Alter the endpoint to activate message forwarding , and specify the maximum size , in megabytes , for forwarded messages 將端點改為激活消息轉發,并為轉發的消息指定以mb為單位的最大大小。

Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes 它的用處是備份大量的數據或增加存儲容量。硬盤的存儲容量從幾百兆字節不等。

To download the trial software , you will also need over 530 megabytes of additional available hard disk space 若要下載該試用軟件,您還需要至少530兆字節mb的額外可用硬盤空間。

All sizes here refer to powers of 1 , 000 , so a megabyte is 1 , 000 , 000 bytes , not 1 , 048 , 576 bytes 這里的所有大小都是指1000的乘方,所以兆字節是1000000個字節,而不是1048576個字節。

Information technology - data interchange on 90 mm optical disk cartridges - capacity : 230 megabytes per cartridge 信息技術. 90 mm盒式光盤上的數據交換.容量:每盒230兆字節

But how to deal with thousands of megabytes of data efficiently is a great problem for all people 但是,人們也遇到了極大的難題,那就是面對成百上千兆的數據,人們無從下手。

Sets the maximum amount of memory in megabytes that sql server uses for storing messages to be forwarded 設置sql server用于存儲要轉發的消息的最大內存量(以mb為單位) 。

Information technology - data interchange on 90 mm optical disk cartridges - capacity : 230 megabytes per cartridge 信息技術. 90mm盒式光盤上的數據交換.容量:每盒230兆字節

The state ' s silicon valley also contributed to english ' s high tech lingo : software , hardware and megabyte 這一州的矽谷也增加了英語的高科技字匯:軟體、硬體及百萬位元。

The kb , mb , gb , and tb suffixes can be used to specify kilobytes , megabytes , gigabytes , or terabytes 后綴kb 、 mb 、 gb和tb可用于指定千字節、兆字節、千兆字節或兆兆字節。

To specify a fraction of a megabyte , convert the value to kilobytes by multiplying the number by 1024 若要指定兆字節的分數,應通過乘以數字1024將該值轉換為千字節。

First , the memory footprint of even small applications often consists of megabytes and megabytes of memory 首先,即使很小的應用程序的內存占用通常也有好幾兆字節。

The following query returns the total number of free pages and total free space in megabytes available in all files in 中所有文件的總可用頁數和總可用空間量( mb ) 。

A message , including its body and all specified properties , cannot be bigger than 4 megabytes in size 一條消息(包括正文和所有指定的屬性)的大小不能大于4 mb 。

Partitions are specified in megabytes , with start and end offsets from the beginning of the disk 分區將用兆字節,以及起始和結束位置到磁盤開始的偏移量來表示。

While maybe not earth shattering , this is enough to matter when worrying about megabytes 雖然可能沒什么大不了,但對于為兆字節而發愁的問題來說已經足夠。

Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes 硬盤的存儲容量從幾百兆字節到數千兆字節不等。