
mega adj.1.〔口語〕宏大的。2.〔口語〕精彩的。


I mean , you tell me you ' re a super - mega - ultra - lightning - babe , 我是說,你告訴我你是宇宙無敵超級霹靂小甜甜

I ' ve developed a mega - campaign 我想發展一個百萬大行動

How many mega pixels does it have 它是多少萬像素的?

Analysis of food hygiene quality in the mega - stores of shenzhen in 天津市寶坻區農村小賣部食品衛生狀況調查

How will you get to your office at mega giga industries on time 你怎樣才能按時趕到米嘉-技嘉公司上班呢?

Names hong kong s first “ tcm “ vertical mega - mall “ megabox 全港首個超大型全貫通垂直式商場命名megabox

Our boss is a mega millionaire 我們的老板是億萬富翁。

Savage era of mega - mary games 野人時代的超級瑪麗小游戲

Megabox and popular holdings limited open a “ mega box of knowledge Megabox與大眾書局為您打開知識寶盒

Do you know that hair accessories are mega - important for prom 在畢業舞會上,發飾萬分重要,你知不知道?

Aaron kwok mega hits concert 2005 live special edition 郭富城舞臺寶典飛越舞林演唱會2005 live無忌加強版

The problem of how to understand the vocabulary concerned in the studies of mega 2研究中的詞匯理解問題

It s time for the mega - blessings 是時候給你巨大的祝福。

Co - organized by aaou and global mega - universities network 會前講習班( aaou與全球開放大學網絡聯合主辦)

Mega - university and virtual university 巨型大學與虛擬大學

Mega - hz ~ 100mega - hz , hr analog video , k - m bit rate 1兆赫茲~ 100兆赫茲,高分率頻比視頻, 1千比特~ 1兆比特。

Mega : how do you like riding school 你覺騎術學校怎么樣?

Acdsee v8 . 0 powerful photo manager - k - lite mega codec pack full bundle 《 ol蔡桃桂》 - -搞笑四格專輯

High quality 5 . 0 - megapixel images plus 8x optical mega zoom 500萬像素高質素影像,并配備8倍光學變焦