
meg n.【計算機】兆字節(=megabyte)。


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People often say that meg ryan is like the girl next door 人們常說梅格?瑞恩就像鄰家女孩一樣。

She still would not give meg any money 但她仍不愿給梅格任何錢。

Sally persuaded meg to spend a lot of money on a dress 莎莉說服梅格花了一筆錢在一件洋裝上。

I saw you talking with meg this morning 今早我看見你和瑪吉說話了。

Meg has been carrying a torch for paul for almost two years 梅格對保羅單戀已經將近兩年了。

Jo often stared at meg with sad eyes 喬常以哀傷的眼神對著梅格凝視。

Mclagan , meg . “ spectacles of difference . “ in media worlds 差異化現象摘自《媒體世界》 。

On another occasion , meg and sally moffat went shopping 另外有一次,梅格和莫莎莉去逛街。

Meg decided to accept her mother ' s advice 梅格決定依著母親的建議做。

She was worried that the boy would take meg from her 她擔心那男孩會將梅格從她身邊帶走。

Browse more free meg ryan pictures from our gallery 從我們的圖庫瀏覽更多免費梅格瑞恩圖片

A : i saw you talking with meg this morning 今早我看見你和瑪吉說話了。

John brooke seemed very nervous , but meg was calm 魯先生顯得很緊張,梅格卻是平靜的很。

Meg was wearing a silver dress and jo a red one 梅格身穿一件銀色洋裝,喬則一身紅洋裝。

He wondered if meg knew that mr . brooke loved her 他心想不知梅格是否知道魯先生喜歡她。

He bought a small house for him and meg 他為自己和梅格購買了一座小屋。

John was worried that he was too poor for meg 魯先生則憂心梅格嫌他太窮。

Meg stayed at home in case she was also ill 梅格待在家里,免得她也病了。