
meetinghouse 〔美國〕〔英蔑〕教堂,禮拜堂;〔英國〕非國教徒的禮拜堂。


Even if there had been a disposition to turn the matter into ridicule , it must have been repressed and overpowered by the solemn presence of men no less dignified than the governor , and several of his counsellors , a judge , a general , and the ministers of the town ; all of whom sat or stood in a balcony of the meetinghouse , looking down upon the platform 即使有人心里覺得這事有點可笑,也會因為幾位至尊至貴的大人物的鄭重出席,而嚇得不敢放肆。總督他的幾位參議一名法官一名將軍和鎮上的牧師們就在議事廳的陽臺上或坐或立,俯視著刑臺。

When they reached the market - place , she became still more restless , on perceiving the stir and bustle that enlivened the spot ; for it was usually more like the broad and lonesome green before a village meetinghouse , than the centre of a town ' s business 后來,她們來到了市場,看到那里活躍喧鬧的氣氛,她就益發不得安寧了;因為那地方平時與其說是鎮上的商業中心,不如說象是村會所前的寬闊而孤寂的綠草地。

Stir and bustle that enlivened the spot ; for it was usually more like the broad and lonesome green before a village meetinghouse , than the centre of a town s business 后來,她們來到了市場,看到那里活躍喧鬧的氣氛,她就益發不得安寧了因為那地方平時與其說是鎮上的商業中心,不如說象是村會所前的寬闊而孤寂的綠草地。

Museum of family camping , civilian conservation corps museum , old allenstown meetinghouse , and snowmobile museum 云南省昆明市和平路25號,蔡老師教你學插花布藝刺繡!

All within hearing immediately turned about, and beheld the semblance of mr. hooper, pacing slowly his meditative way towards the meetinghouse . 聽見的人全都立刻轉過身來,望見胡波先生若有所思地緩慢地向禮拜堂走來。