
meet vt.(met ) 1. 遇見,碰上,擦過,相遇。2.迎...


Let us pencil in 3 may for the meeting . 我們把會議日期暫定為五月三日。

I am tied up in a meeting until 3 p.m. . 我開會直到下午三點鐘方可脫身。

Do n't leave when the meeting is in progress . 開會不要中途退場。

There were too few people at the meeting . 參加會議的人寥寥無幾。

You will meet none of them a second time . 以后您不會再看見他們。

The children flew to meet their mother . 孩子們飛跑過去迎接媽媽。

He spoke of many things at the meeting . 他在會上講了很多的問題。

His theories met with general discredits . 他的理論遭到普遍懷疑。

He had met a bolshoi ensemble girl . 他碰到“大劇院”劇團里的一個姑娘。

We agreed to meet again in 18 months . 我們約定18個月后再次聚首。

Preparations for the meeting are in progress . 會議的準備工作正在進行。

Your presence at the meeting will stir trouble . 你出席會議要惹起麻煩。

A sombre figure was there to meet us . 一個臉色陰沉的人在那兒迎接我們。

The meeting will take place as planned . 會議將按預定的計劃進行。

The roaring waters leaped high to meet them . 波濤怒吼,高相迎。

He had directed aileen to meet him here . 他就指使愛玲來這里和他相會。

He gave us sunday as our day of meeting . 他指定星期日為我們的集會日。

It is three years to the day since we met . 我們整整三年沒見面了。

I would never met such crudity before . 我從未見過這樣粗魯的行徑。