
meek adj.溫順的,柔和的;虛心的;卑躬屈節的 (opp. ...


Hku faculty of engineering distinguished lecture conversation with mary meeker : global and china internet trends analysis 香港大學工程學院榮譽講座與瑪麗米克對話:全球及中國互聯網趨勢及分析

She shook his hand warmly and assured him that his meek and gracious attitude had endeared him and his work to her heart 她熱情地握著他的手,說道: “您的謙恭親切的態度讓我深深折服。 ”

There ' s a darn good chance this hits the 200 dma ; it might even fall through it a bit and shake out the meek 200 dma出現了一個非常好的機會,它可能會小幅下跌,然后就會擺脫平淡的走勢。

Dogs crouches in front of the neighbor ' s wide - open gates , casting a meek glance at you as if they were your old friends 狗跑到鄰居敞開的大門前趴下來,仿佛多年的老友般溫存地望著。

The meek shall eat and be satisfied : they shall praise the lord that seek him : your heart shall live for ever 26謙卑的人必吃得飽足。尋求耶和華的人必贊美他。愿你們的心永遠活著。

I want to defend defenseless , let the meek inherit the earth . and your intelligence give you nothing to mask your ignorance 那次我于曙u的一角偷看你這么遠親你我視作無比的福氣

The meek also shall increase their joy in the lord , and the poor among men shall rejoice in the holy one of israel 困苦的必因耶和華增添喜樂;貧窮的人必因以色列的圣者而快樂。

Dual personality : untamed nature , meek , the art college china painting research direction graduate student graduates 雙重性格:野性、溫婉,美術學院中國畫研究方向研究生畢業

The english are mentioned in the bible : blessed are the meek , for they shall inherit the earth 《圣經》中有提及英國人的話: “柔順的人們是有福的,因為他們將會繼承大地” 。

Let us beg from our lady to make our hearts “ meek and humble ” like her son ' s was 讓我們祈求我們的圣母讓我們的心變得“溫柔和謙卑” ,就像她的兒子一樣。

The lamb in his great humility , who says : “ learn of me , for i am meek and lowly of heart 羔羊曾謙卑地說: “我心里柔和謙卑,你們當學我的樣式。 ”

But i will leave within you the meek and humble , who trust in the name of the lord 12我卻要在你中間、留下困苦貧寒的民他們必投靠我耶和華的名。

For the lord taketh pleasure in his people : he will beautify the meek with salvation 4因為耶和華喜愛他的百姓。他要用救恩當作謙卑人的妝飾。

It is mrs . white that makes the decisions in that family , not her meek little husband 那家庭決定事情的是懷特太太,不是她那溫順的小個子丈夫。

49 the fact is that the old lady believed rebecca to be the meekest creature in the world 事實是,老太太以為麗貝卡是天下最馴良的小家伙。

God keep him meek and patient ! every day i grow madder after sending him to heaven 我一天天越來越想把他送到天堂上去,想得都發狂了呢! ”

Sheriff ben meeker : then what is he ? tell me ! what the hell are we dealing with here 治安官米克:那他是什么?我們要面對的究竟是什么?

But the meek shall inherit the earth ; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace 11但謙卑人必承受地土,以豐盛的平安為樂。

Him that offends , to teach with love and meek ness , and to show him his error 如果一個人錯了,那么就和善地指引他,說明他的錯誤。