
meed n.〔詩〕報酬;獎賞,賞與;稱贊,足夠的份兒,值得接受的...


At an the forry ahp atall i6 op1ied to the taizha - - ytheiap be . in the mess of oplication , the atic1e cnis the bew methed wtth the twic ateraitw mess to solve ch weight , nd cbothes the fuzry statistics wtth the bebo meed to deted boion degree of bos 最后將此方法應用于泰州引江河工程的社會評價中,提出了德爾菲與層次分析相結合方法推求指標權重,采用模糊統計與德爾菲法確定指標隸屬度,體現了方法運用中取長補短的原則。

Miss temple is full of goodness ; it pains her to be severe to any one , even the worst in the school : she sees my errors , and tells me of them gently ; and if i do anything worthy of praise , she gives me my meed liberally “坦普爾小姐非常善良,不忍心對任何人嚴厲,即使是校里最差的學生。她看到我的錯誤,便和顏悅色地向我指出。要是我做了值得稱贊的事情,她就慷慨地贊揚我。

Her shadow had faded across the threshold . the helpful inmate had departed , without one backward glance to gather up the meed of gratitude , if any were in the hearts of those whom she had served so zealously 她的身影跨過門檻消逝了這個大有助益的親人離去了,根本沒有回過頭來看一眼應得的感謝如果她剛剛如此熱心地盡過力的那些人的心中肯于感激她的話。

The general engineer of china machine industry assosiation sui yongbin said , “ the improvement of the electric power equipment man - made level is to meed the urgent need of the society . 中國機械工業聯合會總工程師隋永濱說: “電力裝備制造水平大大提高,也正是?了滿足如此緊迫的社會需要。 ”

As fruit meeds not only sunshine but cold nights and chilling showers to ripen it , so character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it 水果不僅需要陽光,也需要涼夜,寒冷的雨水能使其成熟。人的性格陶冶不僅需要歡樂,也需要考驗和困難。

A little shamefaced girl lisped , “ mary had a little lamb , “ etc . , performed a compassion - inspiring curtsy , got her meed of applause , and sat down flushed and happy 一個小女孩臉通紅口不清地背誦了“瑪麗有只小羊羔”等,然后十分認真地行了個屈膝禮。

Sir , you have now given me my “ cadeau “ ; i am obliged to you : it is the meed teachers most covet - praise of their pupils progress “先生,你已經給了我cadeau ,我很感謝你,贊揚學生的進步,是教師們最向往的酬勞。 ”

Yes , but we meed some help . we never tried korean barbecue before 好啊。不過我們需要幫忙,我們從來沒吃過韓國烤肉。