
medusa n.【希臘神話】美杜莎,蛇發女怪。adj.-like 像...


In order to establish the genetic transformation system of saussurea medusa maxism by agrobacterium rhizogenes , some work were done . the main results were following : 1 establishment of regeneration systems two systems of regeneration from saussurea medusa maxim were established without cold treatment . the somatic embryos were induced from callus cultured in mise for 35 days . the shoots were induced from cotyledon after cultured in misc 20 days , and from leave which were cultured in misl . the experiment showed that the carbon and glycine in the medium could help to increase the regeneration rate to 95 % 為篩選水母雪蓮代謝突變體和轉基因研究奠定了一定的基礎,陳亞瓊: m質粒介導水母雪蓮的遺傳轉化及毛狀根中決刪合成的調節p義摘要也為研究類黃酮代謝途徑的關鍵酶基因的轉化、高效表達及作用機理提供了理想的實驗體系。主要的實驗結果如下: 1水母雪蓮高頻再生體系的建立通過體細胞胚胎發生途徑和器官發生途徑,水母雪蓮( squssureamedusamaxim )可以在常溫下獲得再生植株。

Saussurea medusa maxism was used by several minorities in china , because it have some special pharmaceutical effects such as detoxification , detumescence , abirritation , antitumor , anti - radiation and anti - ageing etc . but saussurea medusa maxism was on the edge of annihilation for being exploited excessively at a long time . still the natural resource of it is hard to meet the increasing need of market . so ths botanical scientist paid more attention to the relationship between protecting this endangered species and producing it ' s pharmaceutical ingredient 具有清熱解毒、抗炎鎮痛、祛風除濕,通經活絡,壯陽補血、消腫、利痰、斂傷的功效。用于炭疽病、中風、風濕關節炎、崩漏帶下、痛經、胎衣不下、腎虛腰痛、遺精陽痿等病癥。近年來又發掘出如延緩衰老、抗腫瘤、抗輻射等更有價值的效用。

“ there , “ said monte cristo placing his arms around the count , and leaning with him over the front of the box , just as haid e , whose eyes were occupied in examining the theatre in search of her guardian , perceived his pale features close to morcerf s face . it was as if the young girl beheld the head of medusa 基督山一邊說著一邊用手擁住了伯爵的肩頭,和他一起靠在了包廂前面,這時,海黛正用她的眼睛在戲院里尋找伯爵,看見他那蒼白的臉和馬爾塞夫的臉緊靠在一起,而且他還擁著他。

The chi gene fragment was amplified by means of rt - pcr , using flower mrna of saussurea medusa maxim , as template , and a pair of specific oligonucleotides ( according to the chi gene sequence , af509335 ) as primer , and cloned into pucm - t vector with ta connection . the vector was named pucm - chi Chi基因的正向和反向植物表達載體的構建用ecor和sal雙酶切p ~ ( ucm - chi )和中間載體ptriplex2 ,回收、連接目的片段與載體,構建中間載體p ~ ( tripchi ) ,選擇正向重組質粒。

In one of the aristocratic mansions built by puget in the rue du grand cours opposite the medusa fountain , a second marriage feast was being celebrated , almost at the same hour with the nuptial repast given by dant s 差不多就在唐太斯舉行婚宴的同一個時間里,大法院路上墨杜薩噴泉對面的一座宏大的貴族式的巨宅里,也正有人在設宴請吃訂婚酒。

In this dissertation , the author cloned the chi gene from saussurea medusa maxim by rt - pcr , and constructed the chi gene sense and antisense plant expressional vector pbinchi + and pblchi . , 論文研究內容與結果如下: 1水母雪蓮chi基因的克隆及其序列分析以水母雪蓮( saussureamedusamaxim

You unbend your forehead at last , said mr . rivers . i thought medusa had looked at you , and that you were turning to stone . perhaps now you will ask how much you are worth “你終于抬起頭來了, ”里弗斯先生說, “我以為美杜莎已經瞧過你,而你正變成石頭也許這會兒你會問你的身價有多少? ”

Here come lots of powerful monsters like vampire queen , werewolf , scientific freak , medusa , and mummy , each with 4 combos and a deadly super combo skill 這里將會有許多諸如吸血鬼女王、狼人、富蘭克林、美杜莎、木乃伊等大量強力的怪物,而他們每個都有4種連續技和致命的超殺。

M . de villefort a second time raised his head , looked at benedetto as if he had been gazing at the head of medusa , and became livid 維爾福先生第二次抬起頭來,望著貝尼代托,象是看到了墨杜薩的頭似的,他的臉上變得毫無血色。

Aphrodite : medusa , the queen of the gorgons . bring me her head kratos , and i will give you the ability to wield its power 阿芙羅狄蒂: “美杜莎,戈耳工女王,把她的頭獻給我,克瑞托斯,我即將會賜予你她那石化敵人的魔力! ”

Influence of total flavone in culture of saussurea medusa maxim and the wild one on inflammatory factors in blood serum of inflammation model rat 水母雪蓮總黃酮和水母雪蓮細胞培養物總黃酮對致炎大鼠血清中炎性因子的影響

Aphrodite : freeze and destroy them all with medusas gaze and the power of the gorgon will be yours 阿芙羅狄蒂: “用美杜莎的凝視將那些敵人統統石化,打碎它們!那么戈耳工女王的魔力就將歸你所有。 ”

Medusa magically splits her shot into three arrows . these arrows deal a lower percent of her normal damage 美杜沙運用魔法將她的箭矢分開,攻擊3個敵方目標。這些箭矢造成的傷害較小。

Nato ' s operation medusa was launched saturday to wipe out taleban strongholds in kandahar province 北約星期六發動了代號為“美杜莎”行動,爭取消滅坎大哈省的塔里班據點。

Level 3 - activate to magically split medusa ' s arrows into 3 shots . these shots deal 65 % of her damage 三級-開啟分裂箭,箭矢造成普通攻擊時65 %的傷害。

Level 1 - activate to magically split medusa ' s arrows into 3 shots . these shots deal 45 % of her damage 一級-開啟分裂箭,箭矢造成普通攻擊時45 %的傷害。

Level 2 - activate to magically split medusa ' s arrows into 3 shots . these shots deal 55 % of her damage 二級-開啟分裂箭,箭矢造成普通攻擊時55 %的傷害。

Medusa was the unfortunate woman in greek myth who was loved by the god of the sea 美杜莎是希臘神話中被海神愛上的那個不幸的女人

Medusa and jellyfish 水母和海蜇