
medullary adj.medullary ray 【解、植】髓(射)線...

medullary ray

Methods : fifty paired embalmed cadaveric humeri ( twenty - five pairs : fourteen from male donors and eleven from female donors ) were scanned in medial - lateral ( ml ) and anterior - posterior ( ap ) position according to the humeral retroversion by ct . images of the humeri in the transverse planes at the lowest border of neck ( lbn ) , 20mm and 40mm distal of lbn ( lbn - 20 、 lbn - 40 ) , isthmus , head - neck anterior - posterior ( hn - ap ) were obtained . sixty - one extracortical and intracortical parameters were measured exactly by image analytic computer software that included offset , head position , head - shaft angle , head to tuberosity height ( ht ) , head thickness , curvature radius , articular surface arc ( sa ) , neck diameter , isthmus position , proximal and distal border of isthmus , maximum coronal and sagittal diameter of medullary canal and thickness of cortical bone in four planes , including lbn , lbn - 20 , lbn - 40 and isthmus 方法: 50根成對防腐肱骨(男14對,女11對)按肱骨頭扭轉角置于冠狀位和矢狀位,行肱骨全長,頭頸矢狀面,解剖頸下緣及其下20mm 、 40mm ,髓腔狹窄部四平面ct掃描,由ct軟件測量冠、矢狀位髓腔內外參數共61項,包括頭心?干軸距,頭位置,頭干角,頭?結節高度差,頭厚度,頭半徑,關節面張角,解剖頸直徑,髓腔狹窄部位置,解剖頸下緣及其下20mm 、 40mm和狹窄部四個平面髓腔的最大冠、矢狀徑,皮質骨厚度等。

Accurate computational method is : the 1st day when change cure medicaments from inject calculates case , come 21 days or 28 days , namely 3 say 4 weeks for a cycle , not be in a cycle use the drug that change cure everyday , it is before 1 week uses drug normally , hind 2 rest 3 weeks , its purpose is to make patient be able to short when rest and reorganization , wait for medullary function to return to normal level , but some time that spend cure medicaments to restrain marrow are later , restore slower , so specific plan needs 6 weeks of ability to calculate a cycle 正確的計算方法是:從注射化療藥物的第1天算起,至21天或28天,即3 4周稱之為一個周期,在一個周期中不是天天都用化療藥,通常是前1周用藥,后2 3周休息,其目的是使病人得以短時休整,待骨髓功能恢復正常水平,但有的化療藥物抑制骨髓的時間較遲,恢復較慢,所以個別方案需6周才算一個周期。

A large number of neurons with nig - li were seen in the anterior olfactory nuclei , accumbens nucleus , septal area , 09600045 , 39970377 , 39570109 ) 9 ventral pallidum , pallidum , caudate putamen , nucleus of the stria terminalis , anterior hypothalamic area , tuber cinereum area , lateral hypothalamic area , perifornical nucleus , supraoptic nucleus , arcuate nucleus , mammillar nuclei , substatia nigra , ventral tegmental area , retrorubral area , superior and inferior colliculus , periaqueductal gray , nucleus of the solitary tract , and superficial layers of the medullary and spinal dorsal horns 大量nk3受體樣免疫反應陽性神經元出現于前嗅核、伏隔核、隔區、腹側蒼白球、蒼白球、尾殼核、終紋床核、下丘腦前區、下丘腦結節區、下丘腦外側區、穹隆周區、視上核、弓狀核、乳頭體、黑質、腹側被蓋區、紅核后區、上丘和下丘、導水管周圍灰質、孤束核、及延髓和脊髓背角淺層。

Methods : hyperosmotic pressure animal model was established by administering 3 % sodium chloride as drinking water to rats or increasing osmotic pressure of the culture medium . osmoregulation positions in the brain , reciprocal projection pathways between the medullary visceral zone ( mvz ) and supraoptic nucleus ( son ) or hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus ( pvn ) , oscillation of intracellular calcium in cultured neurons and astrocytes were studied by means of anti - fos , glial fibrillary acidic protein ( gfap ) , tyrosine hydroxylase ( th ) or vasopressin ( vp ) multiple imrnunohistochemical staining , immuno - electronic microscope , wga - hrp retrogradely tracing and cell culture methods . results : ( 1 ) fos positive neurons within the mvz , parabrachial nuclei , locus ceruleus , pvn , son , subfomical organ increased markedly 方法:通過給予大鼠飲用3氯化鈉或提高培養基滲透壓濃度的方法復制高滲刺激模型,主要采用抗fos 、膠質原纖維酸性蛋白( gfap )和酪氨酸羥化酶( th ) (或加壓素? vp )免疫組織化學多重染色、免疫電鏡、 wga - hrp束路追蹤結合免疫組織化學多重染色、細胞培養等實驗方法,系統觀察了中樞參與滲透壓反射的調控部位、下丘腦視上核( son )神經元? ast超微結構的變化、延髓內臟帶( mvz )和son及下丘腦室旁核( pvn )之間往返投射通路和神經元的性質及其與ast的關系、培養神經元和ast內鈣波的變化。

Ms schweitzer , who reports the work today in the journal science , said : “ the medullary bone tissues we observe are very ephemeral , only present during ovulation , and being resorbed into the body after the last egg is laid , so it is pretty unlikely that we can find them very often . 施韋策女士說: “骨髓骨組織壽命很短,通常只在產卵期存在。在產卵結束后,骨髓骨又將重新被吸入動物體內,所以我們不太容易找到它。 ”該研究結果刊登在3日出版的科學雜志上。

The diagnosis of gcd must be considered in neonates and young children where us demonstrates bilateral marked renomegaly , increased cortical echogenicity with or without small visible cysts , normal medullary pyramids , and liver lesions not in keeping with periportal fibrosis 腎小球囊性腎病的診斷必須考慮到患者是年齡較小的兒童或新生兒,超聲可見雙腎顯著腫大,腎皮質回聲增強,其內可見或沒有大小不等的小囊腫,腎錐體回聲正常,沒有門脈周圍纖維化的肝損害。

In the under hairs , a significant diversity of hair scale morphology were found . the type of complex wave formed due to the abrasion is very divergently shaped . the medullary parameter of some species differs with the latitude , season , and body part where the hair was sampled 一些動物毛的髓質指數存在著緯度差異、季節差異和身體部位差異,反映了被毛結構在動物適應環境變化過程中實施保護和保溫功能等方面的多樣性及其動態變化。

Methods : anatomic observation and blood vessel casting on 20 cadaveric specimens , as well as spinal cord angiography on 9 adults were taken to analyze medullary arteries and its anastomosis with the intercostal arteries or lumbar artery pertinent to thoracolumbar spinal surgery 方法: 20俱尸體運用解剖、血管鑄型及9例成年人常規進行超選擇性脊柱脊髓血管造影等方法,對脊柱脊髓血管應用解剖較系統地研究,了解脊柱脊髓血供及代償通路。

In previously reported cases , renal appearances in gcd were indistinguishable from ipcd or apcd with marked renomegaly , increased cortical and medullary echogenicity , loss of cortico - medullary differentiation and small cortical cysts 在以往的病例報道中,腎小球囊性腎病病例的腎臟外觀與嬰兒多囊病或成人多囊腎疾病是難以區別的,都表現為腎腫大、皮髓質回聲增強、皮髓質回聲的差別消失、皮質小囊腫。

Neoplasm in the fourth ventricle was resected . [ results ] among the 20 cases total resection was in 14 and subtotal resection was in 6 . [ conclusion ] the cerebello - medullary fissure opproach can provide a panoramic view between the two laterl recesses 方法對20例第腦室內腫瘤均采取枕下正中開顱,經扁桃體下小腦延髓裂入路,顯微鏡下切除第腦室內腫瘤。

Ground meristem the central region of the apical meristem from which the ground tissues of pith , cortex , medullary rays , and mesophyll differentiate . in root meristem it is also called periblem 基本分生組織:位于頂端分生組織的中部,髓、皮層、髓射線以及葉肉這些基本組織均是由基本分生組織分化而成。根部分生組織也稱為皮層原。

The sensitivity , specificity and accuracy ( area under a receiver - operating characteristic [ roc ] curve ) of serum calcitonin level for detecting medullary thyroid carcinoma was evaluated 結果評價:對將血清降鈣素水平用來檢測甲狀腺髓樣癌的敏感性,特異性和準確性(通過roc曲線下的面面積)進行了評估。

It suggests that the medullary parameter is related to the function of hair . the morphology of hair not only differs with the species , but with the environment factors and adaptation countermeasures 動物被毛的結構除因物種不同存在差異外,也會因動物對生活環境的適應狀態不同存在差異。

Female birds have a special type of bone , called a medullary bone , that grows in their limbs when they are laying eggs , forming a layer inside the hard outer bone 骨髓骨富含形成卵殼的鈣元素。當雌鳥進入孵卵期時,骨髓骨開始在翼處發育,并在堅硬的翼骨外層下形成一層。

The formula proides a simple and accurate estimation of femoral medullary length , and may be used in nailing , particularly of bilateral comminuted femoral fractures 此公式能簡單而準確地估計股骨髓腔長度,置釘時可以使用;對雙側股骨均有粉碎性骨折的情況尤為適用

Maternal ingestion of phenacetin with medullary inflammation and obstruction during the third trimester of pregnancy has been suggested as a possible causative factor < 5 , 7 > 妊娠晚期母親由于腎髓質炎癥或梗阻而服用非那西汀已經被認為是一個可能的誘發因素< 5 , 7 > 。

Treatment of non - union of femoral fracture in aged patients by transplantation of vascularized fibula into medullary cavity with ni - ti - shaped memory alloy of embracing internal fixator 吻合血管腓骨髓腔內移植記憶合金環抱接骨器固定治療老年人股骨干骨折不愈合

It is characterized histologically by deposits of monosodium urate crystals accompanied by a giant cell inflammatory reaction in the medullary interstitium and pyramids 它的特徵是組織學上在腎髓質部和錐體部有單鈉尿酸鹽的結晶沈積伴隨著巨大細胞發炎反應。

It is rich in calcium , which is used for making eggshells . ms schwietzer and her colleagues found a bone layer in the trex fossil that looked like a medullary bone 施韋策女士的科研小組在那塊具7000萬年歷史的暴龍化石里發現了一層類似于骨髓骨的骨骼。