
medulla n.(pl. -lae ) 〔拉丁語〕1.【解剖學】骨髓...


The results indicated : 1 ) 521 genes up - regulated and 92 genes down - regulated under acute hyperglycemia , while 294 genes up - regulated and 464 down - regulated under acute hypoglycemia ; 1208 genes expressed differentially between acute hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia , including 94 genes expressed bi - directionally ; 2 ) bbs4 gene , which mainly expressed in the adrenal medulla , was up - regulated by hyperglycemia and down - regulated by hypoglycemia ; 3 ) 79 genes up - regulated and 43 down - regulated under chronic hypoglycemia , 725 genes expressed differentially between acute and chronic hyperglycemia , including 2 genes expressed bi - directionally 結果顯示: ( 1 )在急性高血糖情況下有521個基因上調, 92個下調,急性低血糖情況下294個上調, 464個下調;差異表達的基因共1208個,其中雙向性表達基因94個; ( 2 )在急性高低血糖情況下, bbs4基因呈雙向性表達,原位雜交發現其主要表達在腎上腺髓質; ( 3 )慢性高血糖情況下, 79個基因上調, 43個下調,差異表達基因725個,其中雙向性表達基因2個。

Collection and preservation of samples : as soon as the three vital signs disappeared , the dogs were anatomized , and the heart , liver , kidney , spleen , lung , brain , muscle in the injection location and no injection location , the heart blood , urine , bile , cerebrospinal fluid ( csf ) in the lateral ventricle and spinal subarachnoid space , spinal cord ( medulla oblongata , cervical cord , the upper beast spinal cord , breast spinal cord and waist spinal cord ) were taken out , some of which were preserved at - 20 for qualitative and quantitative analysis , and the others were fixed with 4 % formaldehyde for the pathology observation 3 、樣品采集:當心電、血壓和呼吸全部消失時,迅速解剖動物,采取心臟、肝臟、腎臟、脾臟、肺臟、大腦、注射部位肌肉、注射部位20cm以外肌肉、心血、尿液、膽汁、側山西醫科大學碩士學位論文腦室腦脊液、脊髓腔腦脊液和不同節段的脊髓(包括延髓、頸髓、上胸部脊髓、胸部脊髓和腰部脊髓)等組織,冷凍保存。 4 、病理觀察:采取心臟、肝臟、 ’腎臟、脾臟、肺臟、大腦、脊髓等組織, 4 %甲醛固定,石蠟包埋,切片, he染色,光鏡觀察。

The main works already done include the effects and mechanism of stimulation of renzhong on respiration and blood pressure , the electrophysiological and morphological properties of the respiratory neurons in the medulla oblongata of rat , the roles of the medullary respiratory neurons in the regulation of respiration and respiration - related activities , the relation of the nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis with the control of respiratory rhythm , the roles of the neurons of pre - botzinger complex in the control of respiration and their neurochemical properties , and the establishment of a simple and effective technique of decerebrating rat 已完成的系列研究工作主要有:人中的呼吸和血壓效應及其機制大鼠延髓呼吸神經元的電生理和形態學特點細胞內研究延髓呼吸神經元在呼吸和呼吸相關活動調節中的作用旁巨細胞外側核與呼吸節律前包欽格復合體神經元的神經化學特性和在呼吸調控中的作用建立了一種簡便有效的去大鼠大腦方法。正在進行的科研工作主要有:

The results suggested : the differential gene expression in the adrenal gland under acute hyperglycemia / hypoglycemia was related to blood glucose ; these genes might regulate blood glucose by influencing the metabolism and secretion of hormones , cytoskeleton constitution and signal transduction in the adrenal gland ; bbs4 gene might participate in glucoregulation via the activities of adrenal medulla ; the differential genes expressed under acute vs chronic hyperglycemia might play a basic role of the structural and functional changes in the adrenal gland , lead to the process of chronic complications of diabetes or accommodate to the status of hyperglycemia 結果提示:腎上腺基因差異性表達和血糖變化有關;在急性高低血糖情況下,這些基因可能通過影響腎上腺內激素的分泌和代謝、細胞骨架構成和信號轉導來調節血糖; bbs4可能參與血糖調節,其作用可能和腎上腺髓質的活動有關;慢性高血糖情況下的腎上腺差異表達不同于急性高血糖,這種表達差異可能與腎上腺慢性的結構和機能改變相關,或參與了糖尿病慢性并發癥的發生發展、高血糖狀態的調節。

The main works already done include the effects and mechanism of stimulation of renzhong on respiration and blood pressure , the electrophysiological and morphological properties of the respiratory neurons in the medulla oblongata of rat , the roles of the medullary respiratory neurons in the regulation of respiration and respiration - related activities , the relation of the nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis with the control of respiratory rhythm , the roles of the neurons of pre - botzinger complex in the control of respiration and their neurochemical properties , and the establishment of a simple and effective technique of decerebrating rat 已完成的系列研究工作主要有:人中的呼吸和血壓效應及其機制;大鼠延髓呼吸神經元的電生理和形態學特點細胞內研究;延髓呼吸神經元在呼吸和呼吸相關活動調節中的作用;旁巨細胞外側核與呼吸節律;前包欽格復合體神經元的神經化學特性和在呼吸調控中的作用;建立了一種簡便有效的去大鼠大腦方法。正在進行的科研工作主要有:

The results indicate that arctic fox wool , the angolan rabbit hair , the hair of nyctereutes ussurienusis mstscie with medulla cavity ' s density and breaking strength are small , but the angolan rabbit hair ' s superficial curl number is less ; the density of shanxi shep camel ' s hair is equal to wool and cashmere , the breaking strength and breaking elongation ratio are bigger than others 結果表明,有髓腔的北極狐毛、安哥拉兔毛、貉毛的密度和斷裂強度均較小,但安哥拉兔毛的表面卷曲數少;山西羊駝毛的密度與羊毛、羊絨相當,強力和斷裂伸長率較大,產品耐磨性較好。

The results showed that , at 12 48 hrs post infection , the bursal epithelial cells bore swollen and necrotic shape . the lymphoid cells in the medulla and cortex of lymphoid follicles had various degrees of degeneration and necrosis . the lymphoid follicles showed glandular structures or cystic vacuoles owing to the prolifetation of bursal epithelium and lymphocyte depletion . lymphoid follicles from bursa at 72 144 hrs post inoculation became atropy . marked proliferation of interfollicular and interstitial connective tissue was present 結果表明,病毒感染后12 48小時,雛雞法氏囊粘膜上皮細胞腫脹、壞死脫落,淋巴濾泡髓質部及皮質部淋巴細胞不同程度變性、壞死、排空,形成腺管樣結構或囊狀空泡,接毒后72 144小時,法氏囊淋巴濾泡淋巴細胞壞死排空,淋巴濾泡萎縮,網狀結締組織大量增生,而胚胎發育時期,法氏囊粘膜上皮腫脹變性,法氏囊淋巴濾泡形成延遲或不完整,淋巴濾泡內淋巴細胞缺乏或空虛。

Recently , a noval brain - specific na ^ - dependent inorganic phosphate transporters was successfully cloned using the method of molecular biology and was named dnpi because they had the characters of the vesicular glutamate transporter ( vglut ) . some studies showed that dnpi were distributed extensively in the brain area where glu was used as the neurotransmitter , such as thalamus , medulla oblongata and spinal cord . the ultrastructural studies indicated that most of dnpi are located in the presynaptic terminals and distributed on the synaptic vesicular membrane 最近人們應用分子生物學技術又成功地在哺乳類動物腦內克隆出一種新的腦內特殊的na ”依賴的無機磷酸轉運體( brain七pecificna dependentinorgarucphosphaternsporter , bnpi ) ,并發現它也具有囊泡膜谷氨酸轉運體( vglllt )的特點,因而被命名為dnpi (又稱作vgiutz人新近的研究報道, dn ’ pi廣泛地分布于運用m作為神經遞質的腦區,如丘腦、延髓和脊髓。

They are mainly indicated for acute hepatitis with icterus , diarrhea , furuncles and carbuncles , odontalgia due to heat , cholecystitis , pneumonia , flu , inflammation in tonsil and medulla , etc . they are kinds of medicinal herbs that worthy of development and rese arch 主要用于治療急性黃疸型肝炎、腹瀉、痢疾、臃腫瘡毒、火暴牙痛、膽囊炎、肺炎、流感,扁桃體炎、骨髓炎等疾病。是一類很有開發價值的藥用植物資源。

Previous case reports have demonstrated identical us findings in both entities , with bilateral renal enlargement , echogenic cortex and medulla , loss of cortico - medullary differentiation , and small cortical macroscopic cysts < 1 , 2 > 以往的病例報道揭示了這兩種疾病在超聲表現上的相同之處,即雙腎擴大、皮髓質回聲的差異消失以及肉眼可見的小的皮質囊腫< 1 , 2 > 。

Methods cerebral blood flow ( cbf ) and intracranial pressure ( icp ) were measured after electrolytical destruction of the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus , the midbrain reticular formation , or / and the reticular formation of the medulla oblongata 方法電解毀損家兔下丘腦背內側核、中腦網狀結構和延髓網狀結構,觀察腦血流量和顱內壓的變化。

Conclusion there exist vasomotor centers in the hypothalamus , the midbrain and the medulla oblongata , and the destruction of these centers is the basic reason for acute diffuse brain swelling 結論大腦血管緊張性調節中樞廣泛存在于下丘腦、中腦和延髓,其結構或功能的破壞是急性彌漫性腦腫脹形成的根本基礎。

The cortical distribution differs from infantile polycystic renal disease ( ipcd ) , where dilatation of the collecting tubules results in numerous cysts in cortex and medulla 其在腎皮質分布上不同于嬰兒多囊病( ipcd ) ,嬰兒多囊病是在集合小管部位囊狀擴張,從而導致很多的囊腫出現在腎皮質和髓質。

This energy , after leaving a very thread - like , thin line in the medulla oblongata , settles down in three and a half coils in the triangular bone at the base of the spinal cord mooladhar 2投射到棱鏡兩邊的光線經反射后形成相反的方向,在大腦部分相交。這兩束光線分別被左脈ida和右脈

All neuropil regions of optic lobe , the lamina , medulla and lobula , contain 5 - ht immunoreactive varicose fibers , which are distinct in morphology and degree of staining 結果發現, 5 - ht分布很豐富,陽性纖維起源于少量的細胞體,但分布廣泛,呈現明顯的靜脈曲張狀。

The males incubation at 26 , cortices of their testes degenerate into a thin albuginea . medulla are formed by testicular cords in which scatter spermatogonium 26下孵化的小龜精巢皮質退化成為一層薄的白膜,髓質有許多睪丸管構成,管腔內有散落排列的精原細胞。

The cut surfaces of the kidney removed surgically here demonstrate normal cortex and medulla , but the calyces show focal papillary tumor masses of urothelial carcinoma 被切除的腎臟切面展示了正常皮質和髓質,腎盂有局灶性的乳頭狀腫塊,為移行細胞癌。

Case 2 with increased echogenicity of cortex and medulla and loss of corticomedullary differentiation , indicates co - existent medullary abnormality 在病例2中,皮髓質回聲增強,且二者回聲差別消失,最終被證實具有復合存在的髓質異常。

Renal pelvis of the kidney , the renal substance is demonstrated by its medulla and cortex , medullary pyramid , papillae etc . made of pvc plastic 右腎作額狀切面,示腎門、腎血管輸尿管和腎盂、腎實質分髓質及皮質、錐體、乳頭等。