
medley n.1.混合,混雜,烏合之眾。2.雜錄;集成歌(曲);雜...

medley race

The bronze face , the shaggy black hair and beard , the coarse woollen red cap , the rough medley dress of home - spun stuff and hairy skins of beasts , the powerful frame attenuated by spare living , and the sullen and desperate compression of the lips in sleep , inspired the mender of roads with awe 那人那青銅色的皮膚亂蓬蓬的須發粗糙的紅色羊毛帽家織呢和野獸皮混雜湊成的粗劣衣服因為生活困苦而消瘦的健壯的個兒睡著時那慍怒而兇狠地抿緊的嘴唇,這些都使補路工肅然起敬。

“ dragon dance “ is the first part followed by “ music “ which includes an innovative performance by 10 musicians playing 10 pianos . the third segment “ drums “ will be an impressive drum rally with nearly 10 , 000 drummers . the final segment “ dance “ will showcase a dance medley of the traditional and the popular 節目分《 》 、 《聲》 、 《鼓》 、 《舞》四個環節,內容包括舞動金、本地10位青年樂手合奏10鋼琴、萬人參與的鼓樂,舞蹈部份則傳統與流行兼備,還有流行歌手的演出,節目豐富,陣容大。

The preparation of breakfast burnt offering : intestinal congestion and premeditative defecation holy of holies : the bath rite of john : the funeral rite of samuel : the advertisement of alexander keyes urim and thummin : the unsubstantial lunch rite of melchizedek : the visit to museum and national library holy place : the bookhunt along bedford row , merchants arch , wellington quay simchath torah : the music in the ormond hotel shira shirim : the altercation with a truculent troglodyte in bernard kiernan s premises holocaust : a blank period of time including a cardrive , a visit to a house of mourning , a leavetaking wilderness : the eroticism produced by feminine exhibitionism rite of onan : the prolonged delivery of mrs mina purefoy heave offering : the visit to the disorderly house of mrs bella cohen , 82 tyrone street , lower , and subsequent brawl and chance medley in beaver street armageddon : nocturnal perambulation to and from the cabman s shelter , butt bridge atonement 準備早餐燔祭351 ,腸內裝滿以及預先想到的排便至圣所352 ,洗澡約翰的儀式353 ,葬禮撒姆耳的儀式354 ,亞歷山大凱斯的廣告火與真理355 ,不豐盛的午餐麥基洗德356 ,訪問博物館和國立圖書館神圣的地方357 ,沿著貝德福德路商賈拱廊358 ,韋林頓碼頭搜購書籍喜哉法典359 ,奧蒙德飯店里的音樂歌中之歌360 。在伯納德卡南的酒吧里與橫蠻無理的穴居人361吵嘴燔祭。包括一段空白時間:乘馬車到辦喪事的家362去以及一次訣別曠野363 。

All the pious ideas that had been so long forgotten , returned ; he recollected the prayers his mother had taught him , and discovered a new meaning in every word ; for in prosperity prayers seem but a mere medley of words , until misfortune comes and the unhappy sufferer first understands the meaning of the sublime language in which he invokes the pity of heaven 所有那些久已忘記的敬神之念此時都回憶起來了。他記起了母親所教他的禱告,并在那些禱告里發現了一種他以前從未意識到的意義。因為在順境中,禱告似乎只是字語的堆積,直到有一天,災禍來臨后,他那祈求上蒼憐憫的話,才顯得非常的崇高!

It features smash hits like “ free of restraints “ track 1 , the duet “ liberal goddess “ track 9 - featuring guest star liza wang , and “ flowery universe “ track 4 , as well as a medley of hits track 10 - featuring the songs “ serious “ , “ king of heartbreak “ , “ relying on each other “ , and “ world sacrifice “ 俠客行主角石中堅是一個完全不識字完全不通世情的人,反而能領略到上乘武功的真諦,而許許多多博學多才之士,反倒鉆進了牛角尖中,走不出來。至巧不如拙,再蠢笨的人,也自有他的際遇,俠客行中表現的哲理至深。小說是寫給人看的。

The arrival of the world - renowned headsman was greeted by a roar of acclamation from the huge concourse , the viceregal ladies waving their handkerchiefs in their excitement while the even more excitable foreign delegates cheered vociferously in a medley of cries , hoch , banzai , eljen , zivio , chinchin , polla kronia , hiphip , vive , allah , amid which the ringing evviva of the delegate of the land of song a high double f recalling those piercingly lovely notes with which the eunuch catalani beglamoured our greatgreatgrandmothers was easily distinguishable 這位聞名全世界的劊子手到來后,大批圍觀者報以暴風雨般的歡呼。總督府的貴婦們興奮得揮著手帕。比她們更容易興奮的外國使節雜七雜八地喝采著,霍赫邦在艾爾珍吉維奧欽欽波拉克羅尼亞希普希普維沃安拉的叫聲混成一片。

Amy winehouse , whose battle with drugs has been played out in the full glare of tabloid publicity , performed twice to a rapturous reception and sir paul mccartney , in the press for his divorce battle with heather mills , celebrated his outstanding contribution award with a medley of hits 涉毒行為被小報頻繁曝光的艾米?懷恩豪斯應邀兩度登臺;而忙著處理和希芙?米爾斯離婚事宜的保羅?麥卡特尼爵士則獲得了“杰出貢獻獎“ ,并在當晚演出了自己的金曲聯唱。

All at once there stirred within his soul such a wholly unexpected medley of youthful hopes and ideas , running counter to the whole tenor of his life , that he made haste to fall asleep , feeling incapable of seeing clearly into his own state of mind 他的心靈中忽然涌現出年青人的意料不到的亂七八糟的思想和希望,這和他的全部生活是相抵觸的,他覺得不能向自己闡明他這種心態,于是立刻睡著了。

All was in confusion ; the house was a medley of heads and arms which moved to and fro , their owners seating themselves or trying to make themselves comfortable or , on the other hand , excitedly endeavoring to remain standing so as to take a final look round 場內一片混亂,人頭在攢動,胳膊在揮舞,一些人坐下去,想舒服一會,另一些人則執意站著,想向四下再瞧上最后一眼。

Including memorable songs , medleys , and duets sung by respected singers like kelly chen , eason chan , william so , andy hui , and jacky cheung , go east 10x10 concert live comes filled with hits no true fan should miss 書劍采用了乾隆是漢人的傳說,借乾隆這個人物,寫出了既得權力和民族仇恨之間的矛盾,在表達這一點意念上,獲得成功。

A numerous medley of men and women , not to mention beasts and vehicles of various sorts , was waiting to issue forth ; but , the previous identification was so strict , that they filtered through the barrier very slowly 等著出城的有一大群各色各樣的男男女女,自然還有牲口和車輛。對人的檢查很嚴格,因此人們通過路障十分緩慢。

The last item of the concert is “ silver jubilee medley “ , featuring a mix of different kinds of traditional chinese music from different stages in the growth of the hong kong chinese orchestra 音樂會的壓軸環節名為“銀禧薈萃“ ,曲目包括各個階段的代表性樂曲片段,讓臺上臺下重溫25年來一起走過的日子,與港人互勉互勵

Mum ' s the word on what is in store for his fans but wang revealed that two grand pianos would be in place to bombard them with a medley of his and lin ' s favourites 雖然在歌迷面前對演唱會細節三緘其口,但力宏還是透露舞臺上會置放兩臺兩人最愛的三角形鋼琴,屆時他們會一起合奏、合唱,以組曲方式擦出音樂的火花。

The highlight of the day ' s celebrations is a local orchestra playing a medley of patriotic tunes as one hundred and fifty thousand spectators watch fireworks burst over the harbor 當天慶祝活動的高潮是波士頓交響樂團的愛國歌謠組曲演奏;另外還有超過十五萬觀眾會集聚港口,欣賞漫天煙火燦爛。

For one instant he seemed to be studying the line of little round windows above the shops , as though he had never noticed them before among the medley of signs 有一陣子,他似乎在研究商店上面的一排小圓窗戶,好像在雜亂無章的招牌中,第一次看見那一排小圓窗戶。

They were black with spilled water , and underneath them was a fine medley of dinted zinc jugs , slop pails and coarse yellow earthenware crocks 漆布被潑散的污水染黑了,木板下面亂糟糟地放著一些碰癟了的水罐,盛滿污水的水桶,黃色粗陶水罐。

First multichannel 96khz 240 - bit live recording and mixing in asia ! 3 cds , 27 songs in the concert , including various medley of alan and hacken s pop songs 3cd共二十七首現場演繹動聽歌曲,多首alan haken名曲串燒medley ,梁榮忠搞笑客串

Phelps achieve record tie 8 medals in athens games on saturday , when united states set a world record in 400m individual medley 美國在雅典時間星期六的時候贏得了男子4 100米接力的冠軍,這也讓菲爾普斯獲得了平記錄的八塊獎牌。

First multichannel 96khz 240 - bit live recording and mixing in asia ! 3 cds , 27 songs in the concert , including various medley of alan and hacken s 3cd共二十七首現場演繹動聽歌曲,多首alan haken名曲串燒medley ,梁榮忠搞笑客串