
medlar n.【植物;植物學】歐楂。 the Japan(ese)...


Pcs in each of the patient examination rooms and in the control room are linked to medlars centre - - cuhk being one of only 21 sites located across the globe - - thus students have access to the world s medical library resources right from their examination rooms 中心的控制室及診癥室均連線到國際醫學資訊中心(該中心在全球只有二十一個網站,中文大學占其一) ,學生可上網查閱世界各地醫學圖書館內的資料,尋找有醫學證據的最佳答案以解答病人的問題。

With the special nutrient element extracted from polyrhachis vicina roger as the major raw material and medlar , root of american ginseng and emma pentaphyllum , etc . as the supplements , being mixed with mild distilled spirit made from grain , yilishen tonic wine is made through special techniques 蟻力神牌滋補酒是以提取擬黑多刺螞蟻體內特殊營養為主要原料,輔以枸杞子、西洋參、絞股藍等配以純糧低度白酒,經特殊工藝精制而成。

What say you , good masters , to a squab pigeon pasty , some collops of venison , a saddle of veal , widgeon with crisp hog s bacon , a boar s head with pistachios , a bason of jolly custard , a medlar tansy and a flagon of old rhenish 油酥面雛鴿餡餅,薄鹿肉片,小牛里脊,配上酥脆熏豬肉的赤頸鬼,配上阿月渾子籽兒的公豬頭肉一盤令人賞心悅目的乳蛋糕,配上歐楂的艾菊,再來一壺陳萊茵白葡萄酒,不知老爺們意下如何? ”

Chinese wolfberry medlar is widely known of its effects of nourishing the kidney and strengthening the essence , protecting and strengthening health and prolonging life , improving sight and hearing in china 枸杞子補腎益精延年益壽明目聰耳在中國可謂是家喻戶曉,老幼皆知。尤其在寧夏,傳說古代有位

In hong kong , most pesticides poisoning are due to paraquat - type pesticides . common vegetables involved are choi sam , spinach , pak choi , chrysanthemum coronarium , chinese mustard and medlar 一般而言,引致農藥中毒的蔬菜通常是來自內地的葉菜類植物如菜心、菠菜、白菜、壅菜、茼蒿、芥蘭和枸杞等。

Recorded : chinese wolfberry medlar can strengthening the tendons , tolerating ageing , clear off wind evil , benefit the tendons and bones and has the effects of benefiting human body and getting rid of asthenic disease 食療本草載: “枸杞堅筋耐老,除風,補益筋骨,能益人,去虛勞。 ”

Gingkgo leaf , medlar and chrysanthemum health drink was scientifically made mainly from gingkgo leaf , medlar and chrysanthemum by a series of disposal 摘要銀杏葉枸杞菊花保健飲料是以銀杏葉、枸杞及菊花為主要原料,經過一系列處理及科學方法配制而成。

This article studied water extraction technology of gingkgo leaf and medlar and identified the best prescription of health drink by orthogonal design 本文研究了銀杏葉及枸杞的浸提工藝,并通過正交實驗確定了保健飲料的最佳配方。

The article is on the thin layer chromatography for isolating the coloring matter in medlar leaves . thereby , foridentifying the - carotene 摘要本文采用薄層層析法對枸杞葉中色素進行了分離,并對其-胡蘿卜素進行了鑒定。

Qing dynasty of the seed of boat - fruited sterculia is hot , rush with the wen buxiang of medlar , eat together without advantage , have disadvantage only 胖大海清熱的,與枸杞子的溫補相沖,一起吃沒有好處,只有壞處。

Recorded : chinese wolfberry medlar has the effects of nourishing the kidney , improving acuity of sight and clear away lung - heat 文獻記載:本草綱目載: “枸杞子滋腎明目,清肺。

3 take chinese wolfberry medlar essential tablets for renal diseases together if patient is accompanying with diabetic nephropathy 若并發糖尿病腎病,加服枸杞精華片。

The apples , pears , quinces , medlars , and some less well - known genre have been classified 其中蘋果、梨、 ?x ?k 、歐楂等屬和一些不太著名的屬,又被分類。

The apples , pears , quinces , medlars , and some less well - known genre have been classified 其中蘋果、梨、 ? ? 、歐楂等屬和一些不太著名的屬,又被分類。

A quantificational study on the relationship between saccharide content of medlar and surrounding factors 枸杞總糖含量與環境因子的量化關系研究

It says that it was because that she ate chinese wolfberry medlar every day 咎其原因,據說就是每天都吃枸杞子。

Take a small cup and in turn lay dioscoreae , medlar and taro in it 3取一小盅,將淮山、枸杞、芋頭依序放入盅底。

Hong kong international medlars centre 現代化中醫藥國際協會

The advantage of medlar , upstairs said 枸杞的好處,樓上的都說了。