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medium wave 【無線電】中波。


Rthk launched its first dab trial in 1998 to test the reception of dab l band . earlier this year , rthk conducted another test on the drm medium wave technology , which aimed at improving am reception . another trial on dab band iii took place in september this year and will continue until early 2005 香港電臺早在1998年開始數碼聲音廣播測試,當時是測試dab l band在香港的接收情況其后,在今年年初,我們再測試專門為改善am接收的drm中波廣播技術,九月份起,我們正測試dab band iii ,這項測試會持續至2005年初。

Rthk launched its first dab trial in 1998 to test the reception of dab l band . earlier this year , rthk conducted another test on the drm medium wave technology , which aimed at improving am reception . another trial on dab band iii took place in september this year and will continue until early 2005 香港電臺早在1998年開始數碼聲音廣播測試,當時是測試dablband在香港的接收情況;其后,在今年年初,我們再測試專門為改善am接收的drm中波廣播技術,九月份起,我們正測試dabbandiii ,這項測試會持續至2005年初。

Drm is a technology aims to improve sound quality of am transmission below 30 mhz and to reduce interference common in medium wave environment . new compression technologies known as mpeg4 advanced audio coding and spectral band replication are employed to offer sound quality comparable to that of fm transmission 它是針對30mhz以下的調幅am廣播而設計,大大提高了音質,并改善了中波廣播較易受干擾的情況系統采用最新的壓縮技術mpeg4 advanced audio coding aac和spectral band replication sbr ,音質足可與fm廣播媲美。

Drm is a technology aims to improve sound quality of am transmission below 30 mhz and to reduce interference common in medium wave environment . new compression technologies known as mpeg4 advanced audio coding ( aac ) and spectral band replication ( sbr ) are employed to offer sound quality comparable to that of fm transmission 它是針對30mhz以下的調幅( am )廣播而設計,大大提高了音質,并改善了中波廣播較易受干擾的情況;系統采用最新的壓縮技術mpeg4advancedaudiocoding ( aac )和spectralbandreplication ( sbr ) ,音質足可與fm廣播媲美。

Short wave is used for wireless communication which the wavelength is from 10m - 100m . in fact , the high frequency part of medium wave usually belongs to short - wave band . so many short wave communication equipments ’ band was extended to 1 . 5 - 20mhz 實際上,許多人也把中波的高頻段( 1 . 5 - 3mhz )歸到短波波段去,所以現有的許多短波通信設備,其波段往往擴展到1 . 5 - 20mhz 。

On necessity and feasibility of extending coverage by prefectural radio stations in mountainous areas in western provinces using sky ware of high - power medium wave 論西部省區山區地州電臺大功率中波充分利用天波擴大覆蓋的必要性可行性

Although drm can significantly improve am sound quality , it can only be used with short wave and medium wave channels 發覺drm制式確實可以大幅度改善am廣播的音質,但這系統只適用于短波和中波頻帶。

Detail specification for electronic components ay10 100 medium wave ferrite core . assessment level a 電子元器件詳細規范廣播接收機天線用ay10 100中波鐵氧體磁芯評定水平a可供認證用

Treating 78 cases pityriasis rosea with combination of medium wave ultraviolet radiation and liangxue xiaofeng keli 中波紫外線照射聯合涼血消風顆粒劑治療玫瑰糠疹78例

This paper introduces the distributed supervisory control system and its application in the medium wave station 摘要介紹了分布式控制系統原理及其中波發射臺的應用。

Compound medium wave - guide film on columned li - ferrites was made by magnetron sputtering system 用磁控濺射的方法在圓柱鋰鐵氧體表面鍍覆了復合介質波導薄膜。

Medium wave guide 介質波導

The equipment installation standard for medium wave broadcast transmitting station 中波廣播發射臺工藝設備安裝規范

Specification for 50kw medium wave am brroadcast transmitter 50kw中波調幅廣播發射機.技術條件