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mediterranean fever 【醫學】地中海熱,波狀熱。

mediterranean fruit fly

Familial mediterranean fever , an inherited disease among people of mediterranean ancestry , is characterized by repeated attacks of fever and inflammation , commonly in the abdomen or lungs 家族性地中海熱,是一種在有地中海的祖先的家族中傳播的遺傳病,臨床表現為反復發作的發熱和炎癥,通常發生在腹部和肺部。

There is currently no known cure for either familial mediterranean fever or behcet ' s syndrome . treatment is focused on symptom relief 目前對家族性地中海熱和貝切特綜合癥都沒有已知的有效的措施,治療只是限于緩解癥狀方面。

Familial mediterranean fever 家族性地中海熱