
mediterranean n.1.地中海(= Mediterranean Sea)...

mediterranean climate

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 這次的地中海航游以冷酷的失敗告終。

Ride around the picturesque canals of mediterranean harbor ,享受一趟優雅的運河之旅呢

The suez canal joins the mediterranean and the red sea 蘇伊士運河連接著地中海和紅海

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 此次地中海之旅在驚魂未定中結束。

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 這次的地中海航行以觸礁沉沒告終。

Guangdong discount hotels guangzhou royal mediterranean hotel 廣東飯店特惠

Italy is a richly historied mediterranean country 義大利是個歷史悠久的地中海國家。

The restaurant serves mediterranean cuisine 這個餐廳供應地中海風味的菜肴。

The mediterranean sea bathes the shore of italy 地中海環抱著意大利的海岸。

The mediterranean sea separates europe and africa 地中海把歐洲和非洲分開。

They watched the sun sink into the mediterranean 他們注視著太陽沉入地中海。

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 這次地中海之旅慘淡收場。

Disneysea transit steamer line mediterranean harbor 迪士尼海洋渡輪航線地中海港灣

Is it as delectable as other mediterranean cuisines 像其他地中海菜一樣的美味嗎?

. . . and a fake mediterranean in los feliz . . .和在los feliz的一座假地中海式建筑

It was a rocky ending for this mediterranean cruise 這次地中海之行以觸礁告終。

This spirited action established the ascendancy of the british fleet in the mediterranean and italian prestige suffered a blow from which it never recovered . 這一場令人興奮的戰斗確定了英國艦隊在地中海的優勢,而意大利的威望卻受到了一次打擊,從此一蹶不振。

Next, he acted as correspondent on a chartered mediterranean tour. the letters he sent back were made into a book, innocents abroad: it was an immediate hit . 其后他以記者身分參加了包船到地中海的旅行,寄回國內的通訊集合而成《異鄉奇遇》,立刻獲得極大成功。

She swam at the villa, under the warm mediterranean sun, and at night lay in her bed listening to the mournful sound of the singing rocks . 她在別墅里,在溫暖的地中海陽光下游泳,夜里就躺在床上,傾聽著風溫柔地吹過巖石時發的悲傷的聲音。