
meditate vi.深思;沉思,冥想;反省 (on; upon)。vt...


All desire to see you bring forth the work you meditate 凡是為你著想的人,都盼望這樣。

Tonight i want you to meditate on the image of an iceberg 今晚我要你沉思一座冰山的形象

I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways 15我要默想你的訓詞、看重你的道路。

Wang anshi ' s poems of praising the history and meditating the past 王安石的詠史懷古詩

I threw myself into a chair and meditated 抱怨后,整個人攤在椅子上打坐。

He just wanted to look at these pictures and meditate or 他只是想看這種照片,深思或者

To meditate is to labor ; to think is to act 沈思就是勞動,思索就是行動。

After all , you ' re not meditating to get to the breath 說到底,你作禪定非?理解呼吸。

The more you meditate , the sooner youll realize it 打坐越多,也越快知道。

Take time to meditate , it is the source of strength 花時間默想吧,那是力量的來源。

I hear you ' re meditating giving up your job 我聽說你正在思量放棄你的工作。

Dear soul , meditate quietly on this thought 親愛的信徒,要安靜默念這件事。

When our lives arent comfortable , we should meditate more 生活越不舒服,越要打坐!

He sat there meditating upon his misfortunes 他坐在那里沉思自己的不幸遭遇。

The brothers are meditating they cannot be disturbed 我們的同胞認為他們無法幫忙。

Are you serious in meditating a journey to egypt 你是在認真考慮到埃及旅行一次吧?

Master , why is it important to meditate in the morning 師父,為何早上打坐很重要?

Meditating on the light and sound is our only support 光和音是我們唯一的依靠

They are meditating a change in the office arrangements 他們正考慮改變工作安排。