
mediocrity n.普通,平凡;平庸;平平常常的才能;平凡的人。


Abstract : the current situation of landscape design is review in the spirit of the decision of the state council on strengthening the construction of urban greening , and most designs are bland and of mediocrity 摘要:以《國務院關于加強城市綠化建設的通知》精神回顧當前園林設計現狀,多數設計作品平庸乏味。

When it came to writing rules , li qing - zhao , with popular language and melodious rhythm and rhyme , ironed out the contradiction between elegance and mediocrity in late northern song dynasty 就詞法而論,李清照以通俗的語言和好懂的音律,化解了宋詞發展到北宋末期,已進入到既要雅又要俗的兩難困境。

Now mediocrity has always been there , but the problem has got accentuated because every client today is seeking immediate solutions , and solutions that deliver instant results 平庸一直存在,但是因為如今,幾乎每個客戶都只尋找即時的解決方案并希望立馬見效,這樣的問題加劇了。

B > years of < / b > observing human behavior < b > has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between < / b > mediocrity < b > and < / b > success < b > lies solely with < / b > the individual concerned 對人們行為的多年觀察使我能夠得出這樣的結論:平庸和成功的主要區別僅僅在于相關的個人。

We recognize the efforts and achievements of our people ? rewarding and celebrating accomplishment . we value total dedication and teamwork and actively address mediocrity 我們認可員工的努力和成績- -獎勵和表揚成就。我們珍視員工全心投入的工作和團隊合作精神,并積極改進不足。

The process encourages design by committee and political maneuvering to the point where it is difficult to achieve technical mediocrity , let alone technical excellence 這個過程鼓勵了委員會和各方立場移動到一個點,這個點很難獲得技術上的平常水平,更不用說杰出的技術表現了。

Workaholics are the achievers , the excelers . there is a national conspiracy against excellence ? ? an undue admiration of commonness and mediocrity 工作狂是成功者、精英份子。對普通與平庸不應該(不適當)的羨慕抹殺了優秀,這是個國際(很多國家都存在的)陰謀。

Years of observing human behav or has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned 對人們行為的多年觀察使我能夠得出這樣的結論:平庸和成功的主要區別僅僅在于相關的個人。

Years of observing human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned 對人們行為的多年觀察使我能夠得出這樣的結論:平庸和成功的主要區別僅僅在于相關的個人。

Years of observing human behavior have enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the individual concerned 對人們行為的多年觀察使我能夠得出這樣的結論:平庸和成功的主要區別僅僅在于相關的個人。

Years of obsering human behaior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and success lies solely with the indiidual concerned 對人們行為的多年觀察使我能夠得出這樣的結論:平庸和成功的主要區別僅僅在于相關的個人。

Years of o erving human behavior has enabled me to conclude that the major difference between mediocrity and succe lies solely with the individual concerned 對人們行為的多年觀察使我能夠得出這樣的結論:平庸和成功的主要區別僅僅在于相關的個人。

Based on sense and creativity , rogy refuses mediocrity , persists and innovates , keeps meeting the demand for clients , and pursues the success of clients 融際投資“判斷力,創造力”的觀念,拒絕平庸,矢志創新,不滿足客戶的認可,更追求客戶的成功。

Frank lampard : 7 . 5 / 10 ? 21 goals belie a season of only sporadic brilliance amongst swathes of mediocrity compared to previous years 弗蘭克蘭帕德: 7 . 5 / 10 ? ?跟過去幾年比較,在被平庸的演出包圍當中憑著21個進球掩飾了只得零星的鮮明表現。

Words have changed the direction of history . words can also change the direction of your life . they have often raised a man from mediocrity to success 詞匯曾經改變歷史進程,同樣也能改變人生方向。它們常常使一個平庸之輩變得不再平庸。

Where we focus not on mediocrity , but we rather concentrate on paying the price to achieve excellence , the best , in the one chance we have to live 活出精彩人生,重點在于卓越拒絕平庸并專注于在我們僅有的一生中付代價達致最好。

His efforts to produce his own movies have been unsuccessful , mainly , he said , because he refuses to appeal to commercial mediocrity 他努力想要制作一部自己的電影,但尚未成功,他說主要是因為他不想求那些商業庸才們幫忙。

It ' s always a concern but if you plan for mediocrity then you will achieve it which is what we have said all along 帕里:這個也是一個考慮因素,但當你要作出這些決定時,這些都并不是最重要的。

That letter produced an effect on nikolay . he had that common sense of mediocrity which showed him what was his duty 因為他有平凡人的健全理智,所以這也就能使他明白,應該怎樣辦。