
medio n.〔美俚〕五分鎳幣。


Following the analyzing and based on originality of theory , from a angle of view of philosophy of science , in regard to theoretical basis , methodology , and theoretical structure , the author gives a general picture of the original theory of instruction in other countries , and thinks of it as “ stones from other hills “ that increases the originality capacity of theory of instruction in china , in accordance with the above view , sketches the contours of the paths into generating originally theory of instruction in china , holds that reconstructing medio - theory of instruction is one of feasible orientations of research in theory of teaching and learning in china in future 繼而理性地反思我國教學理論發展與流變的歷程,認為理論移植與依附是近現代我國教學理論原創力貧弱的癥結。論文在原創理論層面上,從科學哲學的視角,分別從理論基礎、方法論、理論結構三個方面探源國外教學理論原創的概貌,作為我國教學理論原創的“他山之石” ,以此勾勒出我國教學理論實現原創性生成的路徑,認為走教學理論的中層研究是實現我國教學理論原創的應然取向之一。

Study of biological aerated filter and coagulative precipitation tank on reusing of medio - contaminant water 凝沉淀組合工藝處理中度污染原水的效能

Research into the influence of medio - translation on the chinese new poetry movement 論譯介對中國早期白話詩運動的影響

Lili , will you tell de medio 產產?紈繁霏而盾

De medio is a clever man . he left some wine here for us 德爾梅迪奧是個聰明人。他給我們留了些酒

You must be del medio . how do you do 你一定是德爾梅迪奧。你好

Saying del medio , but it ' s wrong . no middle ' l ' 人們常叫德爾梅迪奧,那不對。中間沒有' l '

It ' s the other way round , del medio . you call the shots 德爾梅迪奧,該反過來,你決定。

If you call me ' don ' , then i ' ll call you del medio 如果你叫我東,我就會叫你德爾梅迪奧

Call me horacio . and it ' s de medio . people keep 叫我荷蘭西奧.而這是德爾梅迪奧