
medina n.麥地那〔伊斯蘭教圣地之一,位于沙特阿拉伯西北部〕。


The first in the lilacgarden of matthew dillon s house , medina villa , kimmage road , roundtown , in 1887 , in the company of stephen s mother , stephen being then of the age of 5 and reluctant to give his hand in salutation 第一次是一八八七年,在圓鎮基瑪吉路,通稱梅迪納別墅的馬特。狄家的丁香園里同席的還有斯蒂芬的母親。

Doug medina , senior director of enterprise marketing at huges , said iss was chosen because it had a program to take the company through all the requirements 麥道的高級主管企業營銷在預科階段說,國際空間站被選中,是因為它有一個計劃,采取公司通過所有要求。

The brigade was split in two groups during fighting and withdrew toward baghdad and toward karabela to join the main forces of the [ “ medina “ ] division 在戰斗中,該旅分成兩部,并分別撤向巴格達和卡爾巴拉,去加入“麥地那”師的主力部隊。

Break out the funky cold medina 花開堪折直須折

Republican guard medina division 共和國衛隊麥地那師

A single brigade of the “ medina “ division was involved in combat “麥地那”師的一個旅參加了戰斗。

The chaps are selling these at the entrance to the medina 小販在梅迪納的入口處出售這個玩兒。

All ofthe sudden medina has a ghetto booty 突然之間, medina有了個戰利品?

Jorge medina : a player from quilmes buenos aires 來自布宜諾斯艾利斯的奎梅斯。