
medieval adj.= mediaeval.


My people don ' t know about the medieval world 我的人對中世紀一無所知

Lights and shadows of the medieval western europe 中世紀歐洲的盈與虧

In medieval times , they would never pray to the good judas . . 在中世紀,人們從不拜好人猶大

Medieval painting is not his province 中世紀的繪畫不屬于他的研究范圍

Medieval painting is not his province 中世紀的繪畫不屬於他的研究范圍

The symbolism features of medieval christian aesthetics 論中世紀基督教美學的象征主義特征

Medieval monasticism : a self - contradiction 試析西歐中世紀修道院改革運動

In medieval times , they would never pray to the good judas 在中世紀,人們從不拜好人猶大

The medieval french monks would be impressed 中世紀的僧侶們會很驚訝的

There were genuine and false alchemists in medieval times 在中世紀,煉金術士真假混雜。

The revival of rationalism in the medieval western europe 西歐中世紀時期理性主義的復興

The development of dower in medieval europe 中世紀歐洲寡婦產的起源和演變

Transformation of tax structure in medieval england 中世紀英國的軍役制度

Medieval childhood has had a bad press 中世紀的童年總是給人不好的印象。

A review on the cluniac movement in medieval western europe 西歐中世紀的克呂尼運動述評

Ideas of three - orders in medieval western europe 論中世紀西歐的三等級觀念

An analysis of taxation theory in medieval england 試析中世紀英國稅收理論

What plans do you have for multiplayer in medieval 2 多人網戰有什么計劃?

Siena is the embodiment of a medieval city 錫耶納是一座中世紀城市的化身。