
medico n.(pl. medicos) 〔戲謔語〕醫生;醫科學生...


Methods descriptive analysis was conducted among 818 medicos , who were sampled by stratified cluster sampling , and the model was established 方法采用分層整群抽樣的方法,對某醫科大學818名醫學生心理健康狀況的一般情況進行描述性分析,并擬合結構方程模型。

Examination of the corrosive effect of a decontaminant , cleaning agent or disinfectant on reusable medico - surgical instruments - test methods - part 1 : stainless steel 純化劑清潔劑或消毒劑對可再用醫療外科器械的腐蝕影響的測定.試驗方法.第1部分:不銹鋼

Conclusion loneliness of medicos have their respective causes and characteristics , and the mental health education should he depended on these causes and characteristics 結論醫學院大學生的孤獨有其成因和特點,必須針對這些成因和特點開展心理健康教育。

Medico - surgical equipment . implants for surgery . stainless steel osteosynthesis screw with asymmetrical thread and spherical fitting . mechanical requirements and testing 外科醫療設備.外科植入物.不對稱螺紋和球形配件接骨用不銹鋼螺釘.機械性能和試驗

Medico - surgical equipment . osteosynthesis equipment for the rachis . forged stainless stell or cobalt alloy rachis plates . system a . dimensions and geometry 外科醫療設備.脊椎用接骨器材.不銹鋼或鈷基合金脊椎板. a系統.尺寸與幾何形狀

Medico - surgical equipment . implants for surgery . intramedullary nailing systems . part 1 : intramedullary nails with cloverleaf or v - shaped cross - section 外科醫療設備.外科植入物.髓內插釘術系統.第1部分:苜蓿葉式或v型剖面的髓內釘

Medico - surgical equipment . implants for surgery . femoral components of hip prostheses with detachable head . requirements for the head and the spigot 外科醫療器械.外科植入物.嵌入胯骨的人造大腿部件.嵌合物頂端部分和陽部件要求

Since the medicos are well aware of what can and can ' t be done , one is slow to see the benefits of starting a public scare 由于醫生們清醒地意識到哪些是能做的,哪些是不能做的,所以人們很難馬上看到制造一場大眾恐慌的好處。

Medico - surgical equipment . implants for surgery . partial and total knee joint prostheses . part 1 : classification , definitions and designation of dimensions 外科醫療器械.膝關節全體和部分假肢.第1部分:分類定義和尺寸名稱

Medico - surgical equipment . implants for surgery . partial and total hip joint prostheses . part 1 : classification , designation of dimensions and requirements 外科醫療器械.髖關節全部和部分假體.第1部分:分類尺寸標識和要求

Objective to explore the prevalence of sub - health among medicos and the influencing factors , so as to put forward countermeasures 摘要目的探討醫科大學學生亞健康現狀及發生原因和影響因素,為制訂對策提供科學的理論依據。

Medico - surgical equipment . orthopaedic instruments . drive connections . part 2 : screwdrivers for slotted , for cruciform and for recessed ned 外科醫療設備.矯形外科用器械.傳動連接件.第2部分:十字形和一字形螺絲起子

Medico - surgical equipment . implants for surgery . osteosynthesis metal screws with asymmetrical thread and spherical under - surface . dimensions 外科醫療設備.外科植入物.不對稱螺紋和球形底座的接骨用金屬螺釘.尺寸

Medico - surgical equipment . implants for surgery . rough surface diaphysis plates made of stainless steel . dimensional and surface characteristics 外科醫療設備.外科植入物.不銹鋼粗糙表面骨干板.尺寸和表面特性

Medico - surgical equipment . rough - surfaced stainless steel nail plates for the upper end of the thighbone . materials and dimensions 外科醫療設備.股骨上端用粗糙表面不銹鋼釘板.材料和尺寸

Medico - surgical equipment . reusable all - glass or metal - and - glass syringes for medical use . part 1 : dimensions 外科醫療設備.醫療用可重復使用的全玻璃或金屬加玻璃注射器.第1部分:尺寸

It works closely with the police and provides professional input on medico - legal aspects of criminal cases 這個專科與警務處緊密合作,就刑事案件中涉及法醫學的問題,提供專業意見。

Conclusion sub - health state in medicos should be focused on , and intervention measures should be taken as soon as possible 結論應重視醫科大學生亞健康問題,及早采取相應干預措施。

Medico - ethical analysis of problems in epileptic population and its impacts on the living quality of patients 從醫學倫理學視角剖析癲癇患者群體存在的問題及對其生活質量的影響