
medicinal adj.醫學的,醫藥的,藥用的;醫療的,治病的。 a m...


Numerical taxonomy of medicinal plants of curcuma in china 國產姜黃屬藥用植物的數值分類學研究

None other than our healer , the wizard of medicinal alchemy 沒有比我們的治療者,醫術的巫師

Bio - diversity and quality of chinese medicinal materials 生物多樣性與中藥材質量關系的研究

He ' s real sick so i came out to pick some medicinal herbs 受得傷很重,于是我就出來采點草藥

General situation of reseach on seed treatment of medicinal plants 藥用植物種子處理研究概況

The medicinal study development of bryophytes 苔蘚植物的藥用研究進展

Many herbs are used for medicinal purposes 許多的草藥用來醫療病患。

Valuation of commercial central himalayan medicinal plants 喜馬拉雅中部藥用植物的商業評估

Discussing about the selection of preparation form for medicinal massage 論藥摩方劑型選擇

Shanghai jinshan medicinal materials co . , ltd 上海金山醫藥藥材有限公司

Analgesic function of extracts of four chinese medicinal herbs 4種中草藥提取物的止痛作用

Research on medicinal algae in zhoushan islands 舟山群島藥用海藻的調查

Triterpenoids from the dai medicinal plant winchia calophylla 傣族藥用植物盆架樹中的三萜

Prescriptions and garden of medicinal prescriptions 草藥配方及藥方之園

Cuisines , snacks , and medicinal foods 介紹火鍋文化火鍋吃法及做法等。

Exploration on containers for medicinal measurement 中國古代量藥器探討

Brief introduction of medicinal insect resources in jiangsu 浙江龍王山昆蟲物種多樣性研究

Application for clinical trial medicinal test certificate 臨床試驗/藥物測試證明書申請表

They removed royal jelly for medicinal use 他們把蜂皇精取出,用作藥品。