
medication n.1.藥物療法;加入藥物;藥物處理。2.藥物;藥劑。


2 she ' s taking medication which can help her conceive 她正在接受藥物治療,幫助她受孕。

For frequent relapses , oral medication may be necessary 經常性復發個案或需加上口服藥物

Exemptions for medication and baby milk food 藥物及嬰兒奶品食品獲得豁免

Do you . wanna take some kind of medication first 你.需要先吃一些藥嗎?

I suggest that we simply increase the medication 我建議我們只是增加藥量

I have tried everything . medication . tea . everything 我用盡了一切辦法,巫醫,茶,一切

Continuous pain medication infusion pumps developed 發明持續止痛藥物泵

He needs regular medication for a heart condition 由于心臟問題,需要定期的醫療照顧。

Rn or lpn administers medication to patient 正職護士或lpn對病患的藥物管理

Ooh , i think jake is referring to my medication , 哦,我想杰克是在指我的藥

Bone density testing and medication when appropriate 適當進行骨質密度檢測與藥物治療。

All medication is stored on those shelves 所有的藥品都保存在那個架子上。

Chemist : are you allergic to any type of medication 藥劑師:你會不會對某些藥品過敏?

Exce medication can irritate surrounding skin 過量藥物可能刺激周圍皮膚。

We ' re going to increase medication but still be careful , 我們得加大劑量,不過得小心了

We don ' t know how long she ' d been off her medication 我們不知道她脫離藥物治療多久了

I suggest that we simply increase the medication . . 我建議我們只是增加藥量

Be careful not to give too much medication 一定要注意不要服用過量的藥物。

Avoid using medication to stop their wandering behaviour 避免使用藥物來處理游蕩行為