
medicate vt.用藥治療;在…中加入藥品。 a medicated...


For years , it has been believed that feed additives and medicated feed additives use in the animal agriculture industry contain antibiotics , hormones and chemical ingredients with heavy metals 長期以來,在養殖業的飼料中,人們添加抗生素激素及含有重金屬的化學添加劑,使畜產品的藥殘重金屬嚴重超標。

If it is soiled , you can use a neutral soap non - medicated and clean it gently . take care not to use your finger nails or finger tips to rub , or it will destroy the adhesiveness of the silicone gel 若有污垢,可用中性肥皂不含藥性輕輕清洗,清洗時不可用指甲或指尖搓揉,不然會破壞矽膠的黏性。

Such research not only questions the value of medicating adhd children , it also is redefining the disorder and leading to more meaningful treatment that includes cognitive training 這些研究不但質疑對adhd孩童施以藥物的功效,更重新定義此疾病,并導入更具意義的治療方式,包括了認知訓練。

But couples are urged not to self - medicate , as semen allergies can be fatal , and the semen desensitization program should only be carried out with a doctor ` s supervision 但是并不鼓勵夫婦自己用藥物治療,因為精子過敏有致命的可能,所以,精子脫敏治療應該僅在醫生的指導下進行。

1982 to 1984 i took a job working for a veterinary clinic during high school . at this vet clinic i learned to vaccinate , medicate , assist in surgery and after care 1982年到1984年我的高中時代去了一家獸醫診所工作,在這家診所我學到了免疫,藥理,手術助理以及術后護理等知識。

Concerning modem product design of medicated diet restaurants , more efforts should be spared in the improvement of dietetic dish design , restaurant surroundings and service quality 現代藥膳餐廳產品的設計應當在藥膳菜品的設計、餐廳環境的設計以及服務質量上多下工夫。

Some people with anxiety try to medicate or relax themselves by using alcohol and drugs ( even things like sleeping pills ) , which may seem to make the anxiety or stress go away temporarily 一些患焦慮癥的人們靠服藥或使用酒精、毒品(或安眠藥之類的東西)來放松自己。

This company is specialized in handling the import and export business of pharmaceutical raw materials , clinical chemistry reagents , botanical extracts , flavors and medicated oils , etc 我司專營醫藥原料、天然植物提取物、生化試劑、香精香料類等產品的進出口業務。

Method : healthy comparison subjects ( n = 17 ) , medicated schizophrenia patients ( n = 18 ) , and subjects with a history of depression ( n = 15 ) were recruited 方法: 17名健康對照者、 18例正在藥物治療的分裂癥患者和15例有抑郁癥病史的被試者參加了研究。

James pacenza ' s lawyers will argue in court that their client was using the internet to self - medicate as a way of controlling his post traumatic stress disorder 代表帕琴扎的律師團說,他們的當事人是用互聯網作為自我療法,控制他的心理癥狀。

Medicated shampoos will help , including zine pyrithione or selenium sulphide , and even stronger shampoos containing tar or salicylic acid 藥物洗發精會有些幫助,如含有鋅的硫化鐵礦物質或含有硒的硫化物,甚至含有焦油和水楊酸的強力洗發精。

Biofilm containing srb was observed on the surface of 316l ss by fluorescence microscopy in medicated postgate ' s c medium inoculated srb 熒光顯微鏡觀察發現,在接種srb的修正的postgate ' sc培養基中, srb在316lss表面附著發展并形成生物膜。

The doctor will prescribe medicated lotions and medications for application onto the body . the medications can kill the mite and control itchiness 醫生會處方藥性洗液及藥物供患者敷于身上,藥物便可把殺死,使痕癢情況受控制。

Effect of medicated thread moxibustion of zhuang folk medicine on lymphocyte transformation rate and rbc immunologic function in model rats of spleen deficiency 壯醫藥線點灸對脾虛大鼠淋巴細胞轉化率及紅細胞免疫功能的影響

The controversy leaves parents in a terrible bind . desperate to help , many agonize over whether to medicate their children 這場爭論把父母置于了可怕的盲區,許多父母在無助的情況下,很苦惱是否要去治療他們的孩子。

Medicated lotion shampoo will be prescribed to kill the head lice and the patients should use a fine - tooth comb to remove the eggs 醫生會處方藥性洗液或洗頭水,把頭虱殺滅,患者并應使用密梳子把卵清除。

Injury tissue also can be repaired by covering with a non - medicated or medicated wound dressing 在面積較大而且深及其皮層的傷口中,因傷口愈合較慢,導致愈合使出現瘢痕攣縮,甚至影響功能及美觀。

Maybe it ' s jealousy or jaded cynicism , but show us a person who ' s always cheerful , and we ' ll show you a medicated crackpot 也許是嫉妒得心理,你是否可以找出像她這樣天天都很開心得人嗎?

The rest , if they do anything at all other than make the lives of intimates dank , will self - medicate 其他人,要是自己真的會想想辦法,而不只是讓親密愛人日子難過的話,則會自己用藥。