
medicare n.〔亦 m-〕〔美,加〕國家醫療照顧制〔對老年病人的某...


Conclusions ? the quality of care and adjusted 1 - year mortality improed significantly for medicare beneficiaries with ami during 1992 ? 2001 結論: 1992 ? 2001年間,急性心梗醫療保險患者的護理質量和校正1年死亡率顯著改善。

Asia medicare limited , hong kong laser eye centre , refractive errors : myopia short - sightedness , hyperopia long - sightedness and astigmatism 亞洲醫療服務香港有限公司,香港激光矯視中心,屈光不正:近視遠視散光及老花-

Mail or fax this application form and bank pay - in slip or atm transfer slip to premier medicare services limited to confirm payment 將此申請表格連同銀行入數紙或柜員機收據寄回或傳真回卓紀保健有限公司以作確認存款。

Premier medicare services limited reserves the right to accept or refuse any membership application without offering any reason therefor 卓紀保健有限公司保留接納或拒絕申請人申請成為會員的權利而無需提供原因。

Congress took a stab at the problem last fall with a new law requiring doctors ' offices to fill out all medicare claims 國會試圖解決此一問題,去年秋天曾立新法,規定醫生診所填寫所有老年人醫療保險申請表。

Health care reform must begin with medicare ; medicare is the binding commitment of a caring society 醫療保健改革必須始于老年保健醫療制度;老年保健醫療制度是一個有關懷之心的社會必須遵守的承諾。

Where mr bush and congress will differ most is in their appetite for attacking big entitlement schemes , particularly medicare 布什和國會最大的分歧是他們對削減福利開支力度不一,尤其是醫療保險。

The drug is epogen , and medicare pays more for it than any other single drug : $ 2 billion in 2005 該藥物是促紅細胞生成素,相比其他單一藥物,醫療保障為其支付了更多的費用: 2005年達到20億美圓。

Federal self - employment tax - - required by those who work for themselves to cover social security and medicare contributions 聯邦自謀職業稅收- -要求那些為自己工作的社會保障制度和醫療支付會費

The present value of medicare ' s financial hole over the next 75 years is the astonishing sum of $ 32 trillion 按現值計算,美國未來75年醫療保險的財政缺口總額,達到了32萬億美圓的天文數字。

My budget will commit an additional $ 400 billion over the next decade to reform and strengthen medicare 我的預算方案將在下一個十年內增加4000億美元,用于改革和加強老年保健醫療制度。

So the chains generally buy the drug for less than medicare reimburses , making the drug a profit center 這樣一來,中心購入藥物的價格低于醫療保障的償付,使該藥物成為利潤的制造中心。

The part d program covers some of the cost of approximately 4 , 400 drugs for medicare ' s 43 million older beneficiaries 部分覆蓋醫療保險藥物中4千3百萬老年受益的大約4400種藥物。

Seniors happy with the current medicare system should be able to keep their coverage just the way it is 凡是對現行老年保健醫療感到滿意的老年人應該被允許保持他們現有的保險。

This thesis firstly introduce the constitute of medicare managing system and essentiality of transferring file 本文首先介紹了醫療保險管理系統的組成和文件傳輸的重要性。

Premier medicare services limited reserves the right to the interpretation of the above terms and conditions 卓紀保健有張公司有權保留對上述條款的最終解釋權。

Medicare , the giant health scheme for the elderly , is federally financed and run 專門針對老年人的,龐大的聯邦醫療保險計劃由聯邦政府提供資金且負責運行。

Wen jia - bao demanded , the key point of urban basic medicare focus on the system establishment 溫家寶要求,城鎮居民基本醫療保險試點工作重在制度建設。

The discuss on reform of medicare payment system and tendency of hospital cost accounting 醫保支付制度改革與醫院成本核算發展趨勢探討