
medicament n.藥物,藥劑。


Divide whelk along with informal clothes with medicaments with prophylactic , or the way that allows a breast to become plump with prophylactic cannot be taken 隨便服用藥物用避孕藥來除青春痘,或用避孕藥讓乳房變豐滿的做法都是不可取的。

Most of them were high - end products including semi - conductor devices , telecommunications equipment , jewellery , computer , watches , and medicaments 5 %有所上升,其中大部分是高檔產品,如半導體元件、電訊設備、珠寶、電腦、手表以及藥物。

Aim : to study the content alteration of bacterial endotoxin in the exudant from the root canals of periapical treated with calcium hydroxide as intracanal medicament 摘要目的:檢測氫氧化鈣封藥前后尖周病患牙根管內細菌內毒素的變化。

Treat not hard , the likelihood needs to be below guidance of specialized subject doctor , take isoniazid , rifampin to wait fight n / med tuberculosis medicaments 不難治療,可能需要在專科醫生指導下,服用異煙肼、利福平等抗結核藥物。

The 4th , take to the patient that already affected n / med tuberculosis bacterium fight n / med tuberculosis medicaments , can come on in order to prevent tuberculosis 第四,給已感染結核菌的病人服用抗結核藥物,可以防止結核病發病。

I : auxiliary gentleman medicine treats the medicaments of main disease , or be aimed at the medicaments that holds effect of the therapy since disease concurrently 臣:輔助君藥治療主要病癥的藥物,或針對兼癥起治療作用的藥物。

Auxiliary gentleman medicine treats the medicaments of main disease , or be aimed at the medicaments that holds effect of the therapy since disease concurrently 臣:輔助君藥治療主要病癥的藥物,或針對兼癥起治療作用的藥物。

Entire diseases can be spontaneously cured without medicament if only the human bio - field is coordinated to be synchronous with the universal unified field 只要人體生物場被調整到和宇宙統一場同步,所有病都可以不藥而愈。

Allergic reaction is the reaction that human body exceeds limit one kind to medicaments , it attributes response of a kind of immunity substantially 過敏反應是人體對藥物一種超出限度的反應,它本質上屬于一類免疫反應。

This sort of problems includes game - playing strategies , biologic simulations , machine learning , and biochemical medicament development 這類問題可以從游戲策略、生物仿真、機器學習以及生化藥劑的研制方面得到體現。

There is not the medicaments of specially good effect of liver of can eradicative second now , because this cures second liver thoroughly , be very difficult 現在沒有能根除乙肝的特效藥物,因此徹底治愈乙肝是很困難的

Please pay attention that it is likely to stick the medicament to your socks or shoes if you put on socks or shoes with foot patch 如果貼著足貼穿上襪子或鞋子時,有可能造成藥劑粘附在鞋襪上,需注意。

With effect from 2004 , chinese medicaments made in hong kong enjoy tariff - free access to the mainland under cepa 自二零零四年起,香港制造的中藥品在《更緊密經貿關系安排》下,可以零關稅出口至內地。

Objective to research the drug fever caused by the antituberculotic medicament in the during short - course intermittent chemotherapies 目的探討全程間歇短程化療中5種抗結核藥物引起藥物熱的臨床特點。

Will can in time be handled a few beyond state , 2 will also can judge medicaments to abort to whether succeed on the spot 一來可以及時處理一些以外狀況,二來也可以當場判定藥物流產是否成功。

Industrialization development of hongguniang dry powder medicament is a special point item in the national spark plan 紅菇娘干粉沖劑產業化開發項目,是國家星火計劃區域特色重點項目。

Hongguniang dry powder medicament can fill up blank of local market , it ' s belong to green health care production 苦瓜甙對糖尿病有良好的治療效果,多糖是免疫增強劑,是良好的抗癌物質。

Left : auxiliary official medicine treats disease , or the medicaments that action treats since specific to mo yi symptom 左:輔助臣藥治療病癥,或對莫一特定癥狀起治療作用的藥物。

Use drug on this foundation next , find the medicaments that suits yourself and dosage , fall blood sugar level 然后在此基礎上用藥,找到適合你自己的藥物和藥量,將血糖水平降下來。