
medical adj.1.醫學的,醫術的;醫療的;醫師的。2.醫藥的。...


The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those only slightly hurt . 重傷人員比輕傷人員盡先得到治療。

A general examination of the clentition can yield useful medical information . 全面檢查齒系能夠獲得有用的內科的資料。

Of course, she has no medical qualifications to make that kind of judgment . 當然,她沒有醫藥方面的資格作出那種判斷。

Hard-working medical men may come to be almost as mischievous as quacks . 辛勤工作的醫生可能變成江湖郎中那樣的騙子。

To tell the truth , there are quite a lot of peculiar ways of medical treatment . 說實話,它們都有獨特的醫療方法。

No medical certificate would compensate for a declining sales graph . 任何醫療證明都不能使下降的銷售指數得到報償。

She introduced permanent social and medical reforms in english life . 她在英國人的生活中推行持久的社會和醫療改革。

The case baffles the skill of our most experienced medical men . 這一病例使我們最有經驗的醫生也無法施展其醫術。

The medical team reached chi huei in the midst of an enemy artillery barrage . 醫療隊冒著敵人的炮火抵達了齊會。

However, lydgate was installed as medical attendant on the vincys . 但不管怎樣,利德蓋特現在成了文西家的醫生。

The state medical service has been very much under review recently . 最近正在對國家的醫療事業進行認真的檢查。

The victims weltered in their blood while waiting for medical attention . 受傷人員浸在血泊中,等待救護治療。

He gave himself high medical airs, every inch the doctor . 他有著醫生特有的矜持,是一個地地道道的“醫生”。

He read a paper at a medical conference on the results of his research . 他在醫學會議上宣讀了他的研究論文。

Bethune conferred with nieh about the future work of the medical team . 白求恩和聶討論了醫療隊今后的工作。

Ten million americans are seeking medical help for chronic insomnia . 有一千萬美國人正在設法醫治慢性失眠。

Fortunately, color deficiency is not a serious medical problem . 幸運的是,色盲并不是一種嚴重的醫學問題。

We should widen the opportunities for adequate medical care . 我們應當使得到適當醫藥救護的機會更為擴大。

Medical pilgrims came from all over the world to study his work . 全世界醫學界都有人慕名來觀摩他的工作。