
medicaid n.〔亦 m-〕〔美國〕公共醫療補助制。


That ' s why we worked hard to pass the family and medical leave law , to cut taxes for our hardest pressed working families , while we are fighting to raise the minimum wage to make it easier for parents to pay for their children ' s college education ; why we are fighting to protect the medicaid that helps working parents with children with disabilities to keep working and support their children 這就是我們為什么要爭取通過家庭和醫療請假法律,要為最窮困的勞動家庭消減稅收,同時,努力提高最低工資,使父母能夠支付子女的大學教育費用;這就是我們為什么要致力于保護醫療補助方案,以幫助有子女有殘疾的勞動父母能夠繼續工作,養育子女。

In march , the liggett group , makers of chesterfield and lark brand cigarettes , admitted that cigarettes were addictive and cause cancer and agreed to pay about $ 750 million total to 22 states that had filed suit to force tobacco companies to pay for medicaid for smoking - related illnesses 今年(指2000 ? ?編者注) 3月,生產切斯特菲爾德和云雀牌香煙的利格特集團承認吸煙使人上癮并會引發癌癥,并且同意向22個州支付總額為7 5億美元的賠償金,這22個州提起了訴訟,要求煙草公司向治療與吸煙有關的疾病的醫療補助制度進行賠償。

Deficit hawks fret that the government ' s three main entitlement programmes ? social security ( pensions ) , medicare ( health care for the elderly ) and medicaid ( health care for the poor and residential care for old people who cannot afford it ) ? will eventually bankrupt america 赤字的擴大使得人們開始擔憂政府的三個主要的權利計劃:社會保險(退休金) ,醫療保險(老人的衛生保健)和醫療補助(窮人和當地無法承擔醫療費用的老人享受的衛生保健)會最終把美國推到破產的邊緣。

Among the questions that remain are how to care for the elderly more efficiently and how to reform medicaid reimbursement rates , which are now based on data that is over 14 years old , so that the programme subsidises patients , not hospitals 需要解決的問題還包括如何更好的照顧老年人以及如何改革公共醫療補助制度,這個制度目前依靠一些14年前的舊數據在進行工作,從而通過這項一些列措施來讓患者們受益,而非那些醫院。

In march , the liggett group , makers of chesterfield and lark brand cigarettes , admitted that cigarettes were addictive and cause cancer and agreed to pay about 750 million total to 22 states that had filed suit to force tobacco companies to pay for medicaid for smoking - related illnesses 月,生產切斯特菲爾德和云雀牌香煙的利格特集團承認吸煙使人上癮并會引發癌癥,并且同意向個州支付總額為億美元的賠償金,這

Under the program created in 1997 , the federal government and the u . s . states assist children whose parents earn too much to qualify for the massive government medicated medicaid program , but not enough to afford private insurance 在1997年創建的項目中,聯邦政府和美國各州幫助那些父母為公共醫療補助制項目作出很大貢獻的孩子,但是不能提供足夠的私人保險費。

The state was also blessed with lots of money to fund its reforms : an annual $ 385m pot of federal medicaid funds , as well as $ 600m a year that was already being used to help reimburse hospitals for treating the uninsured 當然該州也有幸擁有大量資金資助其改革:每年有3 . 85億美元的醫療援助計劃的資金,還有每年6億美元用于彌補醫院因救治無保人員造成的損失。

If you ever encounter a situation in which someone wants you to donate free services in return for the referral of paying patients - - in particular , medicare and medicaid patients - - you should decline 如果你從未碰到過有人為了回報介紹人,要你提供免費服務給需要支付的病人,特別的醫療保險的和醫療補助方案的病人,你應該婉謝。

In addition , there could be differences between the two groups that the medicaid records didn ' t reveal : the children who received the drugs may have been more severely ill , skewing the results , they said 除此之外,他們說,還有一些區別醫學記錄并沒有揭示:接受藥物治療的兒童可能已經病情十分嚴重了,這也使得研究結果有所偏離。

The choir and create trials have received substantial attention from nephrology societies , the centers for medicare and medicaid services , the us congress , the pharmaceutical industry , and dialysis providers Choir和create研究已經引起了腎臟病學界、美國醫療保險和醫療補助服務中心、美國議會、制藥企業和透析提供商的強烈關注。

In addition , there could be differences between the two grou that the medicaid records didn ' t reveal : the children who received the drugs may have been more severely ill , skewing the results , they said 除此之外,他們說,還有一些區別醫學記錄并沒有揭示:接受藥物治療的兒童可能已經病情十分嚴重了,這也使得研究結果有所偏離。

Under the program created in 1997 , the federal government and u . s . states assist children whose parents earn too much to qualify for the massive government medicaid program , but not enough to afford private insurance 在這項1997年制定的計劃中,聯邦政府與援助了有權獲得公共醫療補助計劃家庭的孩子,但這不中以支付個人保險。

Health insurance is most problematic for those who are not covered by an employer , not quite old enough for medicare ( which typically kicks in at 65 ) and not quite poor enough for medicaid 健康保險對于幾類人來說是最有問題的:沒有雇主支持的人,沒到享受醫療保險年齡的人和沒窮到可以享受公共醫療補助的人。

The federal government has told new york state that chemotherapy , which had been covered for illegal immigrants under a medicaid provision , does not qualify for coverage 聯邦政府已經告訴紐約州化學療法,被為非法的移民在醫療補助準備之下涵蓋,不為報導取得資格。

Social security and medicare and medicaid are commitments of conscience - and so it is our duty to keep them permanently sound 社會保險、老年保健醫療制度和醫療補助制度是出于良知的承諾? ?因此我們的職責就是要使之保持永久的健全。

Average spending for prenatal care for women with private insurance and women with medicaid was about the same - approximately $ 2 , 000 擁有個人醫療保險的婦女和由社會醫療資助的婦女其花費在產前檢查上的錢平均都差不多是2000美元。

With enough good sense and goodwill , you and i can fix medicare and medicaid - - and save social security . ( applause 在判斷力和良好愿望的引導下,你們和我可以修復醫療保險和補助系統,并拯救社會保障系統。

Social security and medicare and medicaid are commitments of conscience , and so it is our duty to keep them permanently sound 社會保障、醫療保險和補助是良知的承諾,因此我們有責任保持它們永遠可靠。

Last week , the centers for medicare and medicaid services approved funding for a pilot test of an electronic claims attachment 上周,醫療保險與救助中心批準對電子化索賠信息附件的實驗測試進行投資。