
mediator n.調解人,斡旋者,中人;〔the M-〕【宗教】耶穌基...


Can you describe the pathway leading to a release of mediators during an anaphylactic reaction 請敘述發生過敏反應時介質釋放的途徑。

Along with its attending logic acts as the mediator between the view and the model (加上它的主要邏輯)充當視圖和模型之間的仲介者。

The mediators act as the guardians of community interest and the standard of good conduct 調解人充當了社會利益及行為規范的維護者。

The mediator between god and man : only one ( christ ) ? or many ( christ + saints ) 神人之間中保?一位(基督) ?或多位(耶穌+圣人) ?

The mediator has 90 days from the date of appointment to help resolve the dispute 調停方有從被任命開始90天的時間幫助調停糾紛。

Test self - efficacy is the mediator of test anxiety influencing test performance 考試自我效能感是考試焦慮影響考試成績的中介變量

Your mind and various emotions are employed as the mediators between the two 你的心智和各種不同的情感受雇于二者間的調停角色。

The defined occ collision column is reserved for the exclusive use of the mediator 已定義的occ沖突列將保留,專供中介使用。

Naphthol green b can be used successfully as a mediator for detecting glucose 該傳感器被初步應用于人血清中葡萄糖的測定。

Multiple ontologies fusion mechanism based on complex semantic mapping in mediator 模式下基于語義映射的多本體融合機制研究

Jdbc mediator transactions Jdbc中介事務

The new findings show h2s may be the mediator for these protective benefits 新發現表明h2s可能是這些保護作用的介質。

International mediators and western diplomats have made no headway 國際調停方與西方的外交官們也沒有獲得任何進展。

Make use of facilitators and mediators where communication can be served by it 在交流中,盡量使用主持人與調協員。

The mediators fees incurred will not be recovered from the legally aided person 調解員的費用不會向法援受助人討回

They hope to win , but will listen the mediator says you are likely to lose 他們希望贏,不會聽調解員說可能會輸。

A mediator , however , does not represent just one party ; but god is one 20但中保本不是為一面作的。神卻是一位。

One that acts as a mediator 調解人充當調解人的人

Client applications query a data mediator service to obtain data 客戶應用程序向數據仲裁服務查詢以獲得數據。