
mediation n.調解,調停,仲裁;【天文學】中天。


Analysis of a mediation case of a maritime claim confirming action 海事債權確權訴訟調解案評析

Action and mediation : a reading of hegel ' s 中動作性詞語的一個解讀

An independent arbitration mediation mechanism to resolve disputes 解決糾紛的獨立仲裁調解機制

Tseng chi - tse amp; amp; british mediation in sino - french war 曾紀澤與中法戰爭時期的英國調停

Strong analytical , mediation , and problem solving skills 很強的分析,思考,和問題解決能力。

Strategies and tactics for people ' s mediation 人民調解的策略與技巧

Three core components : bus , destination , and mediation 三種核心組件:總線,目的地,以及中介

Otherwise , there is no point to mediation 否則,就沒有調解的前提。

Joint project with the hong kong mediation council 數碼共融基金

On the mediation of institution in the course of marketization 論中國市場化進程中的制度協調

Strengthen the work of the people ' s mediation at present 加強人民調解工作維護基層社會穩定

Predicaments and ways out of civil mediation 民間調解的困境和出路探析

But how do you actually develop and install a mediation 然而,如何實際開發和安裝中介呢?

Form of social order and changes of mediation in local society 鄉土社會秩序形態與調解變遷

Multi - agent mediation of grid service 基于多代理的網格服務中介及其應用

Button to navigate to our mediation class figure 3 按鈕,以定位到我們的中介類(圖3 ) 。

Mediations can be explicitly configured in a solution 可以在解決方案中顯式地配置中介。

Mediation of commercial conflicts between business partners 四關于同業糾紛之調處事項。

The construction of limited administrative mediation system 論建立行政訴訟有限調解制度